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Comment Re:Erm... EPIC FAIL (Score 2, Insightful) 507

Erm, no it isn't illegal. What if the music you're 'taking without paying for it' has been released as CC or Public Domain?

Exactly this will have fail written all over it. The kid will go to these classes and come home to, then question it.

That's how I learned (for better or worse), if I could question one thing and prove it's wrong, then the entire lesson could be corrupt and I took it as a "everything taught in this lesson could be true" for later research/discussion outside of the teachers view. Kind of like how they said sex was bad.

Comment Re:No Server Lag? (Score 1) 203

even opening and closing your inventory seems delayed

Ahh so input lag :P Which there were several articles on here about testing for such things (meaning the code checks button presses too rarely). Which would mean every action/button press takes at least x frames before the game executes it.

Comment Re:Cool, but... (Score 1) 107

That map is aerial (bird's eye, just the roof). That map isn't in 3D (allowing you to interact with it, circle an entire building from your point of view, go inside the building.)

Comment No Server Lag? (Score 1) 203

Unfortunately, there's a fair bit of UI lag. Server lag has been almost non-existent â" amazing as that is to say during the launch period of an MMO â" but the responsiveness of the controls is probably the game's biggest technical fault right now. It can be frustrating at times to have your abilities not work as you expect because of this. There's enough of a delay after hitting the button that you won't be sure if it actually triggered the ability. Many abilities require a button to be held down, so if you press it again and then the original trigger goes through, you've wasted a cooldown. Pressing Block right after charging up a power will also sometimes clip the end of it, and cause it not to fire. I would attribute the majority of my deaths so far to the UI lag.

Uhh, sounds like it's server lag where the server authenticates the buttons you press... (It is checking if your cooldown is off before allowing you to do it client side) I've seen this in plenty of MMOs.

Trying to say there is no "server lag", but there is "alternative" lag is a bit misleading to those who don't understand it.

Comment Re:I would take (Score 1) 300

More like: the stop lights are on about 2-3 minute cycles, so you could save 2-4 minutes by passing, not to mention if you decided to ride behind someone all the way into town, they will also go slow in town and screw up the light timings, adding another 2-3 minutes per light they cant catch.

I've done the math, for me (about 9 lights) that's 19-28 minutes. I just missed an episode of Simpsons! I just got fired for being late to work! More than 10 minutes of lateness anywhere is unacceptable.

Comment Re:I would take (Score 1) 300

First I thought this was about relationships/dating. Which I would've said hell no.

But for a co-worker, yea competence is a must, but I prefer the balance between polite and competent after speaking to some less friendly "know it alls" who weren't even willing to help.

Comment Re:As an Australian (Score 1) 464

Yes.... NOW, but back in the day there were holy wars. After becoming well established and having many people, they are less cultish. But then you got bible thumpers ringing your doorbell, putting out adverts on your doorstep and other stupid crap forcing it in your face. Talking in a private conversation, and saying you hate someone's religion really pisses people off too (yet when they say they hate people who aren't religious... we tend not to care.) Then there's colleges which offer full scholarships to their private little place, but require you must pass their religious courses. Which you may say is fine, since it's private, but its immoral to pay you to learn their religion. It would be like me giving you $100 to say you like x brand sandwiches.

There are few religions that are aggressive towards non-believers. You don't see me running around making adverts saying down with other religions or "STOP BELIEVING" (I wouldn't doubt getting thrown in jail for putting it out). I believe what I want, you can say what you like only when I ask for it, like reading posts online, that was my choice and I could close it after the first few words. But I cannot simply ignore a piece of paper taped to my damn door telling me that Jesus is coming, repent and convert.

Comment Re:Amazing? (Score 1) 459

Not being racist, and not that this may make much difference, but you can at least tell they were all black (based on the walk, clothes, and I'm sure if you zoomed in you could tell by their hands). So find any group/5+ of black friends, although some are going to argue that's profiling....

Comment Re:Hands off! (Score 3, Interesting) 853

PSH, they could technically already do it. About a month ago, my internet had gone down. It was constantly going down, and every time I called them up, it was "a server was down" auto message for 3 states. It normally got fixed within a couple hours, until one time it took more than 6 hours and I called up pissed asking how the hell can an internet company as big as mediacom be down in 3 entire states, when the entire philosophy of the internet (2nd paragraph) was to route around damage.

Obviously (or strangely) he yelled back that why would they put redundancy in a civilian network? That's right, apparently there's a kill switch for the "civilian internet" that allows you to take down at least 3 states with just 1 fiber cut. Seeing how they are a monopoly, I consider them the internet for these 3 states.

I'm still a bit pissed off by it, only because I hold the belief that the internet was made to prevent censorship and damage.

Comment Re:you have it all wrong (Score 1) 389

I rarely have problems with cheaters. Especially when it comes to instanced servers in FPSs/RTSs, if they cheat, find another server/"game" (as in just look for another host).

If you are that afraid of cheaters, try MMOs where cheating is near impossible (it can still exist, but only after updates, so depending on the company and how fast their response time is, it only affects 1 portion for 3 days at most, and you can usually expect a ban hammer for them too).

Back in the day, cheating was everywhere, nowadays it's only in the crap games where client packets are considered trusted. Most professionally made games treat a server like an actual server. "Hey, you wanted to jump 500 feet? Let me check if that's possible...hey, you wanted to fire 2000 bullets in half a second? etc." Although the 2nd example FPSs tend to have issues with this because they trust the client's framerate and assume they can lag for a couple bullets (I played one where the faster your framerate was, the faster you could shoot, so turning GFX down was a sure way to do 2x damage). The game is built around the notion that there will be cheaters. Although, we are still getting to that phase where they treat it like their source code is exposed at all times.

And to respond to the GP, anyone can "cheat". It depends on how you define it. Maybe you "cheated" to make it flash the winning image whenever you lose, when in reality you lost on the server.

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