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Comment Re:Trickle down is beneficial (Score 0) 271

the same could be very easily said about businessess , there is no altruism in commerce but there is in environmentalism . the big difference here is that any harm greenpeace might do is tiny compared to what businessess do on a daily basis. check your economy and climate if you dont believe me.

wake up people , nobody has the right to pollute.


Submission + - Students Tracked With RFID Chips

An anonymous reader writes: The Hungerhill School in Edenthorpe, England has initiated a program that puts RFID chips in the student's uniforms to keep track of there whereabouts as reported by Yahoo. A group called 'Leave Them Kids Alone' is opposing the program. Security Expert Bruce Schneier blogs: "...Now it's easy to cut class; just ask someone to carry your shirt around the building while you're elsewhere." Another disturbing 'Think of the Children' program. At least it doesn't explode if you leave the school boundaries.

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