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Comment Re:Eyes are Brains (Score 1) 105

Can you provide me a reference for the experiment you mentioned? It seems odd that motion circuits would be connected only to rods, as they get saturated pretty easily (in other words, wouldn't work in daylight conditions), and I didn't find any mention to it in [1]. Aren't you actually exploiting an artifact of binocular vision?

[1] Gollisch, Tim, and Markus Meister. “Eye Smarter than Scientists Believed: Neural Computations in Circuits of the Retina.” Neuron 65, no. 2 (January 28, 2010): 150–64. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2009.12.009.

Comment Re:So lets be Open about it. (Score 5, Insightful) 261

Exactly. This hypocrisy really pisses me off:

I also hope that you won't let the world forget the places where those who hold their government to standards go to jail rather than win prizes.

So please stop being a hypocrite and free Ms. Manning, give her a medal for her bravery.

United States

Kerry Says US Is On the "Right Side of History" When It Comes To Online Freedom 261

An anonymous reader writes "Addressing the audience at the Freedom Online Coalition Conference, Secretary of State John Kerry defended NSA snooping actions saying: 'Let me be clear – as in the physical space, cyber security cannot come at the expense of cyber privacy. And we all know this is a difficult challenge. But I am serious when I tell you that we are committed to discussing it in an absolutely inclusive and transparent manner, both at home and abroad. As President Obama has made clear, just because we can do something doesn't mean that we should do it. And that's why he ordered a thorough review of all our signals intelligence practices. And that's why he then, after examining it and debating it and openly engaging in a conversation about it, which is unlike most countries on the planet, he announced a set of concrete and meaningful reforms, including on electronic surveillance, in a world where we know there are terrorists and others who are seeking to do injury to all of us. And finally, transparency – the principles governing such activities need to be understood so that free people can debate them and play their part in shaping these choices. And we believe these principles can positively help us to distinguish the legitimate practices of states governed by the rule of law from the legitimate practices of states that actually use surveillance to repress their people. And while I expect you to hold the United States to the standards that I've outlined, I also hope that you won't let the world forget the places where those who hold their government to standards go to jail rather than win prizes.' He added: 'This debate is about two very different visions: one vision that respects freedom and another that denies it. All of you at the Freedom Online Coalition are on the right side of this debate, and now we need to make sure that all of us together wind up on the right side of history."

Comment Re:Breaking News: Rand Paul Invents... (Score 4, Informative) 404

To whomever modded the AC troll: you're fucking ignorant.

Colored coins are a method to track the origin of bitcoins, so that a certain set of coins can be set aside and conserved, allowing a party to acknowledge them in various ways. Such coins can be used to represent arbitrary digital tokens, such as stocks, bonds, smart property and so on


Really, if you don't know about the subject, what about you refrain from moderating?

Comment Re:Yes, totally (Score 1) 338

This AC was modded as troll, but I think ve is just assuming that politicians would try to take advantage of the infrastructure... in my opinion improbable, as it would be a much more explicit level of corruption than the regulatory capture we have nowadays.

I think the best would be for cities to own the fiber that interconnects to their direct neighbors, and inside the city anyone could establish a mesh network. Something like some guys in Afghanistan did. The cost would be ridiculously lower, the quality would improve, but then the fat cats would not be able to extort money from the population... so not happening any time soon.

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