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Comment Re:Oh come on. (Score 2, Insightful) 794

Many of the subjects you mention are directly related to writing applications like code coverage testing approaches, SDLC, documentation of code, etc. I agree there are two aspects involved here - learning to program and learning a particular programming language. It doesn't mean you can't learn software engineering if you narrow down the academic focus to current programming languages. Studying arcane programming languages like COBOL doesn't prepare you well to write a business application.

Comment Re:Oh come on. (Score 1) 794

When I was doing computer science graduate course about eight years ago, they taught us Pascal and then COBOL followed by FORTRAN. Lastly they taught us C. But all of them were mere introduction to these programming languages. The most a student could learn from these courses is to know how to use loops and functions in programs. Nobody ever told us what are the differences among these programming languages and why they existed. What to say of teaching students how to write applications? I wish they had taught us C, C++ and python for the undergraduate course.

Comment Virtual host or virtual web server? (Score 0) 82

As stated in above comments virtual host is running multiple websites on a single server. Example,,,, etc all running on the same server and can even share same IP address. Refer to name virtual hosts in apache httpd documentation.

If you want to run virtual web server on one hardware box you need something like Xen, KVM, QEMU etc.

If you want to use Fedora/CentOS or alike RPM based distros the below link will help.

Whatever operating system you use, you can run apache on it. Distro is more of a personal choice.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Free Software, Sold ( 1

Sudheer_BV writes: "Many businesses are exploiting the lack of computer novices' knowledge and sell them software that can be obtained gratis. Although the license may permit them to sell free and open source software, charging $49 for a download link on the Internet is ridiculous. Some people do not know that quality open source software can be downloaded from the respective project sites and also obtain support from the community for free. These computer novices fall pray to sites that sell them a mere link.

On the users mailing list this is a common scenario. Users have claimed refunds for various reasons on the OO mailing list. Only then do they realize that is a free and open source software and can be downloaded from without paying for the software. How many other free and open source software download links are sold everyday? Shouldn't somebody take action against these phoney vendors?

Read the blog at"


Submission + - Need a player to recored live audio and video

Sudheer writes: "Hi, I'm using GNOME on my Fedora Core 6 box. I'm looking for a software using which I can recored live audio and video on my desktop. The application must be able to record everything that is displayed on the screen. It would be great if the application can also record my voice along with the video. I would to use the mic for voice input. The purpose is to demonstrate how I use certain features of the applications installed on my computer. Once I record the video I will post it on my web site. Is there any Free and Open Source software that is capable of doing this?"

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