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Comment Why are SCADA systems not offline? (Score 1) 646

Am I the only one who has to ask why these critical SCADA systems are set up in such a way that they would be vulnerable to networked viruses? Shouldn't they be isolated and theoretically only updated by USB or something where you could insure the source media was clean before use? (And yes I know even that is a rather naive belief)

Comment HDD Cage (Score 3, Interesting) 86

If I had to physically escape with my data, it would take less than a minute. Pull off the side-panel to my case. Unplug my HDDs and pull the cage they're attached to. Toss that into a bag, or if time wasn't critical, look into safer solutions like anti-static bags or at least a freezer ziplock or something.

Anything else in the system is easily replaceable in a disaster.

Comment Re:Bye Bye AT&T! -- Nope, Verizon raises price (Score 1) 247

Raise rates how, exactly? I've been on the same $40 cell plan through Verizon since early 2005. Every 2 years or so I just renew the same plan I had before. The only change is I added the $25 unlimited data this summer. I also know someone that is a tech for Verizon, and he informed me that they don't throttle or cap data overage, even for the unlimited plan.

The problem is that rates in the US overall are far higher than most other places. My friends in Europe tell me they pay something like 15-20 euros for the same unlimited data plan.

Comment Indie gaming is in -- use simple games? (Score 1) 153

Early on something like Lego Mindstorms is good, as others have mentioned. A good thing a bit later on may be experimenting with one of the many free game design engines out there. Something like the Unity engine has a great drag-and-drop IDE compatible with Mac and PC, and supports programming in multiple languages. Simple mini-games and platformer shooters would be a great way to pique their interest if they are so inclined.

Comment Fedex isn't any better (Score 4, Interesting) 713

I worked at a Fedex sorting facility for 2 days through a temp service. I can assure you the same type of manhandling occurred there as well. Guys were heaving boxes out of the trucks sometimes up to 5ft through the air before they hit the belt and tumbled over several times.

Ironically enough, 35% of what we unloaded that day were PCs and monitors from the vendor I had worked for that past summer. We wondered why we kept getting customer complaints of unseated video cards, HDDs, etc. I went back the next summer and told them about what happened at Fedex, and was told there was nothing they could expect to change except extra securing for the innards of the PCs...

Comment Re:in the usa will be able to get bbc feeds over N (Score 1) 79

The 2008 Olympics had a website with most events viewable on-demand. In the US I believe it was provided by NBC, and ran on Silverlight technology. I can't remember exactly, but there may have been a premium streaming package you could pay for as well. I would imagine similar will be available for 2012.

I was actually disappointed that the 2010 Winter Olympics didn't feature the same sort of streaming coverage. Unless you had a cable package you were SOL outside of the limited primetime coverage from NBC.

Comment Paywall only works for large papers (Score 2) 179

I'm glad to see the NY Times is able to make some good revenue off their site, but this probably only works for the larger papers.

Large influential papers like the NY Times and Wall St. Journal have a certain level of clout and original content that people are willing to pay for. It's highly unlikely that your local newspaper is going to make any reasonable amount of money off of creating a paywall. Most local papers feature largely wire stories you can find online from thousands of other papers. More circumstantial -- but it's also been my observation that the "younger generations" increasingly don't care about local interest stories or Prep Sports that may be in the local papers -- which is usually the only original content they offer.

So in the long run, I can see this saving a handful of the largest national papers, but I feel most local papers will be in even more trouble in the future.

Comment Re:False Hope (Score 1) 116

Can't you just renew your plan or keep it going? It was my understanding that as long as you don't adjust that part of your plan coverage, you get to keep it going. I've had the exact same mobile plan from Verizon for going on 6 years now and it's never changed even in the periods between me renewing the 2year contract. Unless something is changed you should be able to just renew another 2 year contract or stay month-to-month and keep the unlimited data.

Comment Game stats tracking.... (Score 1) 184

So essentially they want to charge a monthly fee for stat tracking and pre-match chat? HLstats and similar stat trackers have been around for the PC market for over 10 years now. Pre-match chat isn't exactly a new novelty either.

Yet another example of a greedy company charging for "features" that have been around free for years...

Comment Not that popular in the US (Score 2) 91

Did they really have a million subscribers to the North American servers? I remember playing the English alpha/beta test for Lineage1 way back when, and the game felt dated even back then. There was a steep learning curve, pointless grinding, and not all that much to do.

That said, the game met large success in SE Asia at least, with something like 4million+ accounts there alone. At the same time that North America was considering Everquest1 a huge success with 500k subscribers.

Comment Legal paid IPTV packages? (Score 1) 177

You know, I would actually be willing to pay for a Japanese TV package via internet stream if it were available at a decent price. Unfortunately, the only IPTV I've seen has been offered by dubious SE asian sources at either terrible stream qualities, or at outrageous prices. (Standard 15 channels they offer on cable over there for like $100/month, for ex) Depending on the American cable provider, they have some premium packages -- but they also tend to only be like NHK and 1-2 other channels for like $50/month...

Comment Re:Stadium Concerts to Sold Out Crowds? (Score 4, Informative) 305

I'm not really into the whole Vocaloid thing, but I remember there was something about a CD of Vocaloid music topping the charts there last year or such. A little Googling comes up with this excerpt:

Granted, it was only for one week, but still considering the "singer" is computer-generated, it's interesting.

"According to Oricon news, VOCALOID Hatsune Miku's album "EXIT TUNES PRESENTS Vocalogenesis feat. Hatsune Miku" has won the top in the weekly album CD sales ranking for May 17th - May 23rd. It's for the first time that a VOCALOID CD is ranked first in the weekly CD sales ranking. The album also includes the songs of other VOCALOIDs such as Kagamine Rin, Len, Megurine Luka, Meiko and Kaito. The cover illustration was drawn by Miwa Shirow.
Note that the sales of the CD, 23,000 copies, are the smallest number in Oricon's history among all the top sellers of the weekly CD rankings, reflecting the shrinkage of the CD market in Japan."

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