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Comment Really? (Score 1) 292

So it really took this long for other countries to rise up against DCMA/ RIAA/ MPAA organizations trying to essentially rule the world via their crappy media?

Well, I think it's only appropriate to reserve judgement to see if they actually follow-through on their 'backlash'.

If so, I applaud those countries. No stupid movie, song, or video game is worth violating another countries sovereignty over. In fact, I would go as far as to say the suggestion of that is absurd.... and yet that is the model of this century thus far.

Let's see if Sweden gets its head out of its subservient ass, since it is currently in the midst of giving the American lead DCMA a virtual hand-job.

Comment So let's do this... (Score 4, Interesting) 269

Those of us who do not live in New Zealand can easily (or relatively) file motions to have lawyers, judges, politicians families etc, cut off due to our claims that they have downloaded copyrighted material.

Since we don't live in New Zealand, even 'if' we are incorrect and they didn't... they have no recourse. However, the families of New Zealand politicians et al are just as 'guilty' as the next person-- we all know that, just as their kids do.

The only question will be how to find their IP addresses... but it will be a hop, skip, and a jump before NOBODY in NZ has internet... how do you think the internet providers (and the population) will feel about the law then?

Comment What a spam article! (Score 2, Insightful) 318

Yes, it's true we web-designers can (and generally) do use simple code editors to write our pages, templates and CSS stylesheets; the fact is that there is an ever-growing population of people who want to make their own website, not just pre-compiled garbage templates that Drupal users install- but real personal templates made by the site owners themselves... in order to do that they need a good editor that HELPS them- Dreamweaver does that.

Also, seriously, WTF does Drupal have to do with it? Sure, I'm not knocking Drupal I've used it on some projects, but it has nothing to do with the REAL tools required to do a job (mainly a brain, fingers, and motivation).

Comment ok... now for the MS jokes (Score 1) 203

Windows + electronic eyes = true Blue Screens Of Death.

...or how about excuses for the wife: "aw, sheesh honey, I'd love to take out the garbage, but they just released a 'critical update' for my eyes, and I need to reboot them"

...'you mean that wasn't your boobs I grabbed?? Damn eyes must be malfunctioning again"

Comment Quasi-Anti-NetFlix here... (Score 1) 575

I like the fact that Netflix is actually on-par with the current technology, unlike RIAA and MPAA et al (oh yeah.. and Microsoft)., but to pair itself with a closed-source POS like Silverlight is just 100% bad karma.

There is no reason for them to have done it, other than Microsoft infusing Netflix with cash to prop up Silverlight, to make it seem like it needs to exist.

Comment really? MS store anyone? (Score 1) 596

I'm sorry but even the vaguest notion of a Microsoft store reeks of bona-fide grade-A concern over the success of the Apple stores.

Microsoft should certainly worry about Linux distros as well, but the bottom line is that Microsoft is struggling to regain legitimacy after its failed ventures as of late, and the competition (both Linux and Macintosh) are quickly filling the void with their products.

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