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Comment my forecast (Score 1) 340

All the news outlets will attempt to sell their news online while 'paper news' begins to lag. The online generation will become less informed about the truths of current events, and ultimately 'grass-roots' organizations will begin to distribute 'newspapers' to enlighten the masses... about going back a couple-hundred years, except replace 'online' with 'town cryer'... seriously, capitalism may be a setback for the online community, but I really hope valid news is still available for free - or else we are all screwed.

Comment Re:iPhone. (Score 1) 167

I agree with the other posts about the iPhone. I have Readdle and Files and while both do smaller pdf's adequately (not great, just adequate), there is nothing I have found that does 80MB pdf's without crashing.

If anyone has a suggestion, I'd love to hear it... because I could surely use one.

Comment Re:CS (Score 1) 588

I did a report on the very subject last semester. Yeah, the math gap is closing way up, but the CS gap is really depressing. In fact, the CS gap was very small nearer the beginning of its conception, but at least as far as 2007 it's only been growing. We need a serious societal reconsideration of what being a programmer means in order to get that gap down. No more [CS = at computer labs 24/7 hacking, drinking mountain dew, and playing Quake].

Comment Re:Why does Slashdot constantly side with PirateBa (Score 2, Interesting) 329

I have a question. Why does Slashdot constantly side with PirateBay? You are aware that they were running a major piracy ring, right? That they were providing the torrent trackers that facilitated the distribution of copyrighted materials?

You sir are a troll, and you are completely ignorant if you believe this! The true crux of the case is the fact they have done nothing illegal. Sure, maybe American law says they have (incorrectly), but in their country everything they have done is 100% legal *WHETHER OR NOT YOU LIKE IT, OR WHETHER YOU DEFINE IT AS 'PIRACY'*.

TFA is directly addressing the fact that the Judges have been removed because they are a part of the organization who wants TPB prosecuted-- in itself a conflict of interest at best, at worst illegal.

We need to remember that despite the way America and the European Union would like it to pan out, we do not have the authority to force other autonomous countries to abide by our own interpretations of OUR OWN laws; and even if we did, I would hope to god that it would be over something more important than shared mp3's and movies... say how about prosecuting war crimes on behalf of the Bush/Cheney administration? Surely taking a few-hundred-thousand lives is illegal too?

Comment Re:so what would be condescending towards men? (Score 1) 669

All the items you mentioned that would attract men are primarily for the fun and enjoyment of men. Make-up tips and fashion are primarily for presentation, something that women have historically had to do to be taken seriously by men (not saying that's the only purpose). You also failed to mention the other attraction, cooking, which is "traditionally" aimed at women so that they can cook for their husbands. The point isn't that they are making associations between women and certain things. It's that they are associating women with a role that is culturally viewed as inferior to men. There is hardly anything that would be condescending towards men because our society is still patriarchal.

Comment Re:Does ANYONE Know What Women Want? (Score 1) 669

Since I was born I've learned only three things about humans: - No two are alike - No two want the same thing - What a person wants changes from moment to moment

There, fixed that for you. Sorry, I'm not actually trying to mock your post, and I agree with you, but I figured I'd point out that your insights apply to all human beings.

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