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Comment Re:Why not? (Score 1) 68

Nobody is doing anything close to brain surgery to children!

This is irrelevant — mutilations like removal of breasts or castration (excuse me, "vaginoplasty") are invasive enough for my argument. The procedures are truly life-altering, and yet the question of informed consent — by the under-age patients — is pooh-poohed away.

So, if we're Libertarian enough to accept a 17 year-old boy's "consent" to the irreversible:

inverting the penis into a vagina which Boston Children's acknowledges requires a significant recovery time and a "lifetime" of upkeep. Boys who undergo vaginoplasties initially have to use a catheter to urinate, the webpage states, and will need to dilate their "vagina multiple times a day to keep it open," for the rest of their life

what's the problem with the (reversible) insertion of electrodes into a willing — nay, eager — adult's brain? At least, the latter insertion promises a result, that's achievable in theory — unlike the changing of sex, which is unachievable for a Mammal in principle.

They are however messing with hormones

As demonstrated by the links above, that's not all they are doing to underage children. But, even if that were true — if they were only "messing with hormones" — that's still dangerously invasive and decidedly not something a child can properly consent to. Indeed, it is far more dangerous than sex, for example — and we consider statutory rape a felony.

Comment Re:Why not? (Score 0) 68

Ultimately though, the disparity between body and mind exists in the brain

There are tonnes of different mental illnesses.

But no one suggests, we treat, for example, bulimia, by agreeing with the patient that, yeah, they should lose a few pounds...

A human "identifying" as a cat cannot get a tail attached — not yet, anyway. A White woman identifying as Black is fired for lying about her race — and races are a lot closer to each other, than sexes...

Comment Cui bono? (Re:Unsurprising) (Score 1) 33

The technology is neat but the "unregulated finance" angle had crime as its primary purpose

Because only people with things to hide would want to hide things, right? This perception is so wide-spread, though, one might even suspect, the "regulated finance" — or even the regulators themselves — have helped creating it...

Comment Re: Down with transphobia! (Score 1) 27

Exactly. I don't get the modern (let's define gender as a social construct) thing

What's not to get? The Revolution (the one, that was not supposed to be televised) requires, among other things, a wide-spread dissatisfaction with the status quo.

Originally that was supposed to be the workers' dissatisfaction with the economic inequality, but the workers — whose plight The Revolution was supposed to improve — betrayed it. For one, the world saw, how much worse an actual revolution made things for everyone — including the workers and peasants — all the while Capitalism continued to improve life for all, workers included.

Because the revolutionaries didn't, of course, care for the workers — only for The Revolution and the powers it would've given them — they started searching for a new source of grievances. And they found them:

  1. Racial minorities.
  2. Sexual minorities

But the evil Capitalists went along: the racial discrimination was banned, as was discrimination by sexual orientation — 50+ years ago! Though they are still trying to whip up those two, a new source of anger was necessary — thus the "transsexualism"...

Today the "BIPOC LGBTQ" is the "best" LGBTQ...

Comment Down with transphobia! (Score 1, Insightful) 27

In the gender recognition test, whose goal is to determine whether the target is male or female, the EarSpy attack had a 98% accuracy

Considering, that gender is merely a social construct — rather than something biologically inherent — this truly is an amazing achievement, is not it?

Moreover, there are more than "just two" genders — so how exactly can these "researchers" claim to discern "male or female", while still being public colleges receiving tax-payers' monies? Time to cancel these "scientists" and burn their findings — if not their transphobic persons — at the stake, as an all-inclusive lesson to all!

Comment Lessons from Ukraine (Score 0) 58

mass production of chips with 3-nanometre technology

All such advanced facilities will be targeted by the enemy in the second or third wave of attacks. It'd be best to:

  1. Avoid publicizing the exact locations — and geo-tagged photographs — of the buildings.
  2. Have reliable bomb-shelters for the workers — within minutes of walking (running) distance from each workplace.
  3. Reinforce the most crucial parts of the structures — to survive a near-by (if not direct) hit.
  4. Have contingency plans to continue operating if hit — even if at reduced capacity — instead of shutting down completely.
  5. Stock spare parts — don't rely on the normal supply-chains continuing to function, when China decides to "denazify" you...
  6. Have backup electricity-generation facilities on hand.

Best of luck, Taiwan.

Comment Re:aging population? make age a disease! (Score 1) 18

Old age is now an illness that needs treatment.

Long overdue! And before you say "dying of old age is normal" — yes, so is dying from an infection. Or a broken leg...

As long as they have the money.

Well, yeah — the honest way to earn a living is by doing, what other people want done. And the best (the only?) sincere way to communicate these wants is by paying for them.

So, yeah, everything is strongly biased towards people, who "have the money" — and there is nothing wrong with it.

Comment Re: Americans Duped Into Losing $54 Billion By ... (Score 1) 159

Trump is a Republican, he didnt want to defend Ukraine

That's a flat-out lie too — Putin didn't dare, while Trump was in the White House. It was only under Trump, that Ukraine started getting real weapons — not just tents and sleeping bags Obama was sending. And it was Trump, who actually killed hundreds of Russians — and their proxies in Syria — the only language Putin understands, mocking Obama's "red lines" (Democrat's press had to write articles to explain it all away.)

It also was Trump, who insisted, European NATO members spend more on their defenses — which Democrat press denounced as "alienating NATO allies", and get off Russian gas — which they are hastily doing this year. It was also Trump, who kept Russia's new pipeline blocked...

Joe Biden's administration (or, as some call it, Obama-2.0) on the other hand, allowed Nord Stream-2 to be finished, and gave Putin a permission for a "limited incursion":

"And it depends on what it does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do"

Here are Senators (note, not house) who voted against Ukraine

More bullshit. They didn't vote "against Ukraine". They voted against a particular bill, which would've — indeed, has already — given the profligate party more money to spend unaccountably. Sensible people from the Left were worrying too.

But they did pass the $40 billion bill alright, where is it? The military aid Ukraine actually received from the US so far is barely $10 billion — while "Biden" Administration is figuring out, whether they want Russia to lose or merely not win. The US has about 1500 HIMARS launchers — but only 20 were sent to Ukraine (and without long-range ammunition), even though it was entirely up to the Executive Branch to make it 40 or 200... Your Party is keeping Ukraine's military on starvation diet, while using the war as an excuse for "politics as usual", and you dare blame the powerless opposition for it?

many Republicans against Ukraine were reelected

Evidence? How many of the reelected Republicans were publicly against Ukraine while campaigning?

just because "some republicans" are for it doesnt mean they wont turn the second they feel it politically savvy

Meanwhile, multiple Democrats already did turn — and then flipped back again, when Ukraine succeeded on the battlefields. Talk about sacrificing principles for political expedience — if they had any such principles to begin with...

During the Vietnam War USSR invested about a billion dollars in America's "peace movement" — that's more money, than the actual military aid given to Ho Chi Min — and won. It is no surprise, Russian propaganda continues to target Westerners today. But they no longer suffer from ideological purity — targeting both Left and Right. If you didn't denounce John Kerry for it, you cannot denounce a Republican Senator either.

Then you trumpet on about experts and why we should not listen

Why must you keep lying? This is amazing — my posting is still right up there, and it contains nothing you're attributing to it! Talk about "foothold or basis in reality". I spoke not of experts, but of government officials selectively picking them — to justify restricting our freedoms.

Your obedience of authority — and willingness to follow the Current Truth (do masks help against COVID?) uncritically stand. That you make this sheepishness into a virtue — denouncing people for questioning it — make you the illustration next to the word "bootlicker" in the dictionary.

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