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Comment Zarafa (Score 1) 204

I am happy with Zarafa Web client on my Mac. The interface has been literally copy-pasted from Outlook, so you will not lose yourself in a new environment. I could also access my e-mail using IMAP or any other standard protocol. Free (community) version comes with 3 licenses for MAPI (real Microsoft Outlook) connections (Windows). Pay version is still cheaper than Microsoft Exchange and allows for up to unlimited Microsoft Outlook connections.

I use Z-Push on my iPod Touch (Microsoft ActiveSync-like technology) and it works like a charm. Overall, good documentation and possible integration with other systems. Available on Ubuntu's package management system - easy to install on some other linux distros.


Submission + - Terrorist-Related Charges for Canadian Subway Smoke Bomb Pranksters (

vawarayer writes: Students in Canadian province of Québec have been on strike for the past 3 months, demonstrating against tuition hikes. It is reported to be the longest student strike in the province. Demonstrators have shown to be somewhat creative in order to get the government's attention, namely protesting semi-nude and blocking access to the busiest bridge in the country.

In the latest attempt to make the front page, four students face terrorist-related charges. They are suspected of smoke-bombing Montréal's underground subway system (metro), that caused havoc across the island's public transit system.

Comment Re:Keep the domain IMO (Score 1) 113

Come on, everyone saying 'just keep the old domain' really isn't considering the implications of that for the interested buyer.

Domain is not only Website. Clearly the potential seller is not ready to sell. He wants his e-mail. Can't blame him for that, nowadays a freakin e-mail address is more permanent than a phone number. Consider that some domain names are bought ONLY for e-mail adresses, and Web sites are never set up. Red corner : e-mail address that has been in used for ages - banking, taxes, friends, family communications Blue corner : hobby Web site I vote Red. At this point in time, wannabe buyer interest is irrelevant. Seller needs to keep his domain name and go on with his life.

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