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Comment Re:Deniers... (Score 1) 582

The earth has been warming for around 9000 years. It is perfectly rational to dispute the claim that mankind is responsible for what is a natural trend. I accept mankind is responsible for emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases. I accept this does have a warming effect.

I deny that current warming trends are primarily driven by this manmade component of our atmosphere. I deny that we are accelerating warming in any appreciable degree. I deny that there is any catastrophic tipping point we are supposed to be nearing. I deny a gradual warming of one degree per century, the IPCC predicted rise from manmade greenhouse emmissions sans the unknown feedbacks will harm mankind in any way we cannot quickly adapt to.

The only proof of catastrophic temperature and sea rise and ocean acidification and all the other components of the doomsday scenario are crude and faulty computer models which have failed every prediction they've made. Hurricanes are not increasing. Coral reefs are not dying. Pacific islands are growing, not sinking. Droughts and floods are not more extreme. Polar bears are thriving. The Artic icecaps have been growing these last few years, as temperatures are cooling despite ever increasing CO2 emissions. Every claim made is based on a hypothetical computer modelled planet, not the empirical evidence of how the world is today.

Can you proffer any evidence that a rise of one degree per century will have any adverse effects at all, and indeed not see a flourishing of life on the planet like every interglacial period experiences?

Comment Yeah they will... (Score 3, Insightful) 228

Newsflash: The suspected pedophile rapist Assange's terrorist spy network has once again come under the scrutiny of our glorious leaders. While no direct threats were reported, there remains a high level of suspicion about this egotistaical selfish showoff who's only agenda is to hate our freedom. More at 11.

Comment Re:It may happen one day... (Score 1) 738

Well there's nothing radical in saying that as population increased so has lifespan and living standards, we have seen a decrease in starvation and lack of clean drinking water, more people have energy for things like refrigeration, heating, phones and computers. Humanity has never been better and if the next 100 years go like the last 100 we will have solved most of the problems associated with poverty. The modern day Malthusians are just a bunch of luddite pessimists who refuse to look at the empirical facts.

Comment Re:You're kidding, right? (Score 1) 2058

Yes, they share a border. Yes, among the safety and rescue service of each country, including firefighting, there is a strong cooperative effort. I am not too familiar with that, but I know that in Australia we all respond when our neighbours are in crisis. For example, the recent Victorian bushfires saw firefighters from all neighbouring states plus Tasmania, Western Australia and even internationally from New Zealand. What I can't understand is the pathetic obidence to authourity those firefighters diplayed. I know an Aussie firefighter would tell the chief to go fuck himself if put in this situation.

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