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Submission + - SPAM: Skype hype to soar as 100 billion minute milestone

WirePosted writes: "Skype, the p2p Internet phone company that has put the fear of God into just about every telecommunications company on Planet Earth, has reached a milestone that will have those telcos quaking in their boots even harder — 100 billion Skype-to-Skype calls that were, effectively, free — while also winning an award for their 'paradigm shifting' 3 Skypephone."
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Technology (Apple)

Submission + - A slick iPhone unbrick trick (

gadgetopia writes: "A story of one user whose iPhone had just turned into an iBrick. Now facing the ultimate iPhone nightmare, here's how he used the free iPhone unbrick trick — and it can help you too!"

Submission + - Is HP's new 'mobile printing' such a revolution?! (

gadgetopia writes: "A New York Times article uncovers Cloudprint from HP Labs, a new way to print and share a document through your mobile phone and virtually any printer worldwide which sounds kinda great, until you wonder why not just use a USB memory stick or email the document to your web mail?"

Submission + - HTC Touch just not advanced enough (

gadgetopia writes: "Touch screen phones are the latest rage, despite having been around for years, because... duh... someone figured out that fingers are much thicker than the stylus — yet so-called smartphones often just aren't."

Submission + - Why Apple will sell 10 million iPhones in 2008 (

gadgetopia writes: "The iPhone will be here on June 31 (probably, says Jobs), and with approved third party support getting the green light and on the way, the iPhone will either very quickly capture the hearts and minds of US consumers — or will leave us all waiting for version 2.0."

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