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Comment Re:Really tired of this... (Score 1) 1038

honestly, to all the people crying about the barbarism of this situation, suppose the woman was someone that you knew, spouse, sister, mother etc. How would you feel about the situation then?

How I FEEL about something should have no bearing in ANY legal proceeding, especially one that decides the fate someone's life.

Comment Re:Bitcoin is vulernable to government manipulatio (Score 1) 396

So what? Why does the price of bitcoin even matter? Bitcoins strength lies in its ability to be used as a payment processing network - and at a fraction of the cost of traditional payment networks (visa, mastercard, paypal, SWIFT, etc).


A Fraction of the cost, 76 times more annoyance.

I tried to buy a few few bit coins "just for fun" last week. I still can't figure out how to make it happen. From what I understand I have to find someone who lives near me who not only uses bit coins, but wants to sell some, and then arrange to meet them in person, possibly in a dark ally, and then give them guy some cash. Then I have to go release some kind of escrow thing saying that the transaction is complete within 1 hour of the appointed meeting time or bad things happen. After that I wait for the stranger to press his magic button on the escrow, and THEN I get my bit-coins... I think. Simple, right?

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
