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Comment Re:nonsense (Score 1) 460

How is field work not science? How is field work appreciably different from office/lab work or academia that it warrants your implied "one of these things is not like the other, one of these things doesn't belong"? And why is self-reported not verifiable? How is "self-reported" different from survey results? The logical fallacies you invoke are more than sufficient to invalidate your ridiculous conclusion that science doesn't have a sexual assault problem--particularly given that the only acceptable number of men raping any number of women over any given measured span of time is zero. And as things currently stand, that number is well above zero.

Science, as a profession and as a culture, has a problem. And scientists everywhere ought to be embarrassed by that.

Comment Re:The review ecosystem is good and truly broken.. (Score 3, Interesting) 249

When you are looking at reviews of hotels or restaurants you have almost nothing to judge the comments against.

I think the idea is to tie their reviews into the larger ecosystem of online comments.
So if they are assholes in the comments section of [online news article] and get downvoted,
then that would be reflected in the data your site gets from the "third party reputation system."
Then it's up to you how you want your site to weight their asshole behavior.

Ideally, this system would support one identification, but multiple user names,
in the sense that I can be Bob on one website and Alice on another,
but the reputation reflects all my online comments.

That said, while I see how it could be useful, I actually hate the idea.
Having ALL my online comments concentrated in 1 easy to hack/subpoena place is discomfiting.

Comment Re:Please describe exactly (Score 1) 392

What? Obama's new wonder-plan is what TOOK AWAY our low deductible plan and forced us, for more money, to buy one that will cost us thousands more each year in premiums, and ten thousand more a year in deductibles.

Here's a decent article

The health law allowed plans that existed back in March 2010, when it became a law, to keep selling coverage. These are known as "grandfathered plans:" They don't meet the health law's requirements, but as long as they don't change much, insurers can keep offering them.

Insurance companies typically do like to change their insurance plans, making changes to cost-sharing or the benefits they offer. That means that grandfathered plans have disappeared. [...]

These cancellations are, essentially, a lot of grandfathered plans exiting the insurance marketplace. From an insurance company's vantage point, grandfathered plans are a bit of a dead end: They can't enroll new subscribers and are really constrained in their ability to tweak the benefit package or cost-sharing structure. There's not a whole lot of business sense, for a managed care company, in maintaining a health plan that doesn't meet the health law's new requirements.

The law took away your plan, only so far as your insurance company decided to get rid of it.

Comment Re:Please describe exactly (Score 2) 392

Because of how the math is working out, we're told to expect that next year's premiums will go up by another 45-55%. Thanks, Mr. Obamacare Cheerleader, if you're one of the people who helped to empower the people who snuck this 100% partisan monstrosity through congress on Pelosi's "deeming" technique. Thanks a lot.

In all seriousness, if the facts are as you claim, go to the media or write your congressman.

Fox News and Republican politicians have embarrassed themselves repeatedly by publicizing Obamacare horror stories that completely fall apart when verified.
They'd love to have a solid example of someone who really did get shafted and can't get a lower cost plan.

P.S. You say "Were forced to go to a new plan," if you didn't go through the exchange, your insurance company may be the one shafting you.

Comment Re:Only $11 million per person! (Actually $20 mill (Score 1) 392

Let's assume

Instead of your napkin calculations, maybe you should look for legitimate estimates.
Here's the Congressional Budget Office:

If you dig around some more, you'll find plenty of other people who have actually run the numbers and explained their forecasts.

In 2013, we saw the following rate increases due to Obamacare:

And if the insurance company doesn't spend 80% or 85% of those premiums on healthcare, they have to cut a check and return the excess to their customers.
Thanks Obama!

Also, here's a fact check for your numbers:
There's a link to the original survey in there.
Four of fifty states had a sample size of 8 or greater.
The other 46 states had sample sizes of 6 or less.
There's either fuck all for competition in 46/50 states,
or maybe the numbers you quoted aren't very useful for drawing conclusions.

Comment Re:Me too. (Score 1) 408

There are a lot of companies in addition to Apple that have a manufacturing infrastructure that would be hard for a startup to emulate.

The point is that Apple's design choices inspire people and those design choices are near impossible to emulate.

Comment Re:Black letter law (Score 1) 131

Moreover the issue was always that USA people had control of the data: because Microsoft could access and retrieve the requested documents from a terminal within the United States, even though the actual search and retrieval would occur abroad, the data was still under Microsoftâ(TM)s control in the United States, and thus properly subject to the SCA warrant.

Microsoft USA has access to the data.
Microsoft Ireland has control of the data.

If there's no distinction between access and control, then why bother with multinational subsidiaries?

Comment Re:Do the math (Score 1) 169

And there is a minimal beat frequency to allow the brain to enjoy what's we commonly understand as a human life.

Not really.
As long as your blood is oxygenated and you can get rid of C02, life will go on.

Comment Re:Name (Score 2) 191

"Alibaba -- open sesame. Alibaba -- 40 thieves," Ma said. "Alibaba is not a thief. Alibaba is a kind, smart business person, and he helped the village. So...easy to spell, and global know. Alibaba opens sesame for small- to medium-sized companies. We also registered the name AliMama, in case someone wants to marry us!"

Comment Re:And they wonder why I block ads... (Score 5, Informative) 226

Sometimes pages serves content from a different domain but that is rare enough to manage manually.

Not anymore.
Far too many sites (/. included) have or use a CDN for content.
And they will fetch at least half a dozen scripts for bookmarking/sharing with facebook/linkedin/tumblr/twitter/pinterest/googlehangouts/etc
Then, they'll try and fetch a non-zero number of tracking/website monitoring scripts.

Ghostery says is a 1x1 pixel tracker for WebTrends.

Comment Re:why does the CRTC need this list? (Score 1) 324

Governments' legitimate interest in regulation is in product safety and fraud prevention, not in deciding who gets to do business with whom and at what price.

That's a nice statement of "scope," to bad it completely ignores reality.
Government (in most states) sets the prices for utilities.
Government sets build out requirements for utilities.
Government prevents discrimination in the offering of services.
Government requires handicap accessibility in public accommodations.
Government prevents excessive interest rates being charged on loans.
I could go on.

Government has a legitimate interest in deciding who gets to do business with whom and at what price.
Unless you want to abandon all the existing protections of the law, you might want to redefine what you consider to be the appropriate scope of government regulation.

Comment Re:Everyone loses (Score 2) 474

Why would they renege, other than in some fantasy you've invented? Westminster has already set out the timeline for the new Scotland Bill to be written and presented to Parliament.

What makes you think Parliament will go along with the Prime Minister's promises?

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