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Comment Re:They forgot what tests are for (Score 1) 743

"Gotcha" questions are not effective at determining problem solving ability. Questions that have more than one means of approach are much more effective. If a question is superficially easy if you know the trick, but impossibly hard without it, then it doesn't offer any benefit to assessing how a person might resolve specification ambiguity, approach the problem's possible pitfalls, and ultimately resolve the issue. Examples of these types of questions include the "detect a loop in a linked list" (tortoise and hare algorithm), "swap two variables without using a third" (XOR or use pointer math), "three light bulbs in a room, three switches outside, you can only enter once" (two on, wait, one off, feel the off bulbs for the warm one).

Comment Re:"The criticism died down"... oh really? (Score 1) 302

The Size of Things

"Because the Ribbon consolidates the UI into one space, it pushes the document down in the window a bit--giving the illusion of there being less space than there really is."

People are notoriously bad about doing eyeball approximations of size. Our instincts produce results contrary to reality, because we are subjective, not objective observers. It's why you can serve a drink in a tall, skinny glass, and people will assume they are getting more liquid than the same amount served in a short, fat one.

Comment Bing does not deny this != Copies Google's results (Score 4, Interesting) 693

Most likely, Bing is acquiring clickthrough data from textbox input and pairing it with link click followthrough. That is, Bing watches what people type and what links they click after typing it. Did Google ever try other mechanisms to munge results, such as using an internal search page (i.e. one where it uses some proprietary engine to search, say, a forum) and see if Bing started reporting those results? If so, it would indicate that coming from Google had nothing to do with the mechanism of acquisition, and that it was strictly parsing URL or textbox entries combined with link clickthrough. Implying that Bing's response of "we use a lot of vectors" is the same as saying "we steal stuff from Google, so what" is trolltastic at best, and blatantly misleading at worst.

Comment Re:OK, I took a shot at it, (Score 1) 356

Are you thick? The first result on Bing for that very query is

Yes, many people search like that. Rather than making users think like a computer, the search engines are being adapted to understand how humans ask questions. This is a good thing, as it removes a lot of the jargon constructs that have been necessary for so long. By doing so, it allows voice search and similar to work much more fluidly and naturally.


New Microscope Reveals Ultrastructure of Cells 58

An anonymous reader writes "For the first time, there is no need to chemically fix, stain or cut cells in order to study them. Instead, whole living cells are fast-frozen and studied in their natural environment. The new method delivers an immediate 3-D image, thereby closing a gap between conventional microscopic techniques. The new microscope delivers a high-resolution 3-D image of the entire cell in one step. This is an advantage over electron microscopy, in which a 3-D image is assembled out of many thin sections. This can take up to weeks for just one cell. Also, the cell need not be labeled with dyes, unlike in fluorescence microscopy, where only the labeled structures become visible. The new X-ray microscope instead exploits the natural contrast between organic material and water to form an image of all cell structures. Dr. Gerd Schneider and his microscopy team at the Institute for Soft Matter and Functional Materials have published their development in Nature Methods (abstract)."

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