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Comment BUT MUH FREEDUMS? (Score 1, Troll) 207

Before you start complaining about freedom of speech, Mr. Trump Supporter, recall that Google is a private company. Your freedom extends to the government, not to private individuals and companies. You see, our Founding Fathers were all Illuminati and knew hundreds of years into the future as everything has been totally planned. There's no such thing as just random events. None whatsoever including your desire to reply to this very comment. Go on, fight the inevitable.

Comment Re:Dishonest much? (Score 1) 470

No. I think he said something stupid and has doubled and tripled down on it. Efficacy, evidence, and scientifically based testing are ALL things that should be proven before the President of the United States starts speaking out of his ass about it being a cure. So while he didn't pull it out of his ass, he is talking about of his, something this POTUS has a propensity to do far more than any other previous modern President.

Comment Re:The whining of losers (Score 4, Insightful) 280

I grew up in a farming family and here's the thing: farmers (at least the good ones) pay a fair wage for a fair days work. And as the farmer grows in weath, so do his employees. Will they ever be equal? No, of course not. But you don't have a good and honest farmer making $10 million a year and paying his employees $30-$40K/year. They grow in sync. This is the basis of all of these so called "hard grit MURCIA REPUBLICAN AND CAPITALISM" type people that conservatives seem to fawn over. The only issue is that these same gung-ho tv conservatives (most of whom never worked an honest days work in their whole fucking lives) brainwash these same "fair pay for fair work" farmers to believe things like "EDUCATION BAD, SINGLE PAYER HEALTHCARE BAD, ENVIRONMENTALISM BAD" and we end up in untenable situations where the wealth and resources get sucked up by the teeniest tiniest fractional percentage of people.

And if you're not at the top and you're pushing for this, know that you're not on the winning side. If you're over the age of 28 and you're not yet rich - you've got a very slim chance of getting rich these days. I don't see the logic in championing the limiting of resources to the point that it's 1000x harder for YOU to succeed. Wouldn't it be better for 10000 people to be moderately wealthy than 10 people to be AMAZINGLY wealthy while the rest of the 9990 get by with like 45% being middle class the remaining being poor class and the general direction of that gap is a shift in percentages with the middle class decreasing and the lower and poor classes increasing?

I mean we can argue risk/reward-hardwork/reward shit all day...but the simple fact is that the statistics are showing that it's growing increasingly harder to even be middle class and it's becoming easier and easier to be lower or poor class at best. I don't see the point in championing that kind of capitalism, because it's just leading us towards a future where we end up with royalty in all but title. At least as an American I know our Founding Fathers fought to get away from titles and in today's American society it's not King/Queen/Emperor/Emperoress/Caeser, it's "Chairman of the Board of Directors of XYZ, Inc." or "CEO, ABC Incorporated". Instead of "bow at the waist and do not approach Your Majesty" it's now "make sure you report to work during a pandemic and expect the CEO to be working remotely or in 'meetings' all the day for the next few months."

That's the perception (or reality, take your pick) you're fighting and that's why you see fewer and fewer conservatives in the upcoming generations. Everyone wants the opportunity to do meaningful work, make a fair wage, and live a decent life without having to surrender their dignity, their health, or to be making a penny while the boss makes a dollar.

Comment Re:All that blood is on the hands of Republicans (Score 1) 493

Uh what? It does embrace a shit of automation, wherever it can. Medical coding, EMR charts, robotic medication delivery systems/Pyxis systems, and automated prescription filling machines ALL are great examples of automation taking over "people jobs". They are working on beds that can flip patients, robot/software solutions that can assist is diagnostics and managing the care cycle of a patient including ordering labs and issuing consults as needed automatically. Particularly after Obamacare changed payouts to be based on performance - hospitals are falling over thelves to find ANY efficiencies.

Comment Re:Here we go again (Score 1) 173

I suspect that the long term goal (5, 10, 15 years) will be moving everything towards ARM and maybe some on-chip architecture for x86 compatibility. In the short term I could see Apple moving Mac Air to ARM and keeping MBP on x86. Home users will still get most of what they care about and Professional users pay the "professional tax" to get the x86. I feel it's a decision I could get behind, because to me there's no real reason to buy a Mac Air except cost.

Comment The Pandemic has shown Capitalism's Weakness (Score 3, Insightful) 142

When something impacts the consumer and the workers capitalism dies. But even more so capitalism's incessant demands for efficiency of and rewarding the most cheapskate minded has caused healthcare workers to be put into dangerous situations. Hospitals didn't even have a month of PPE supplies on hand. Seemingly any disaster recovery planning was surrounding momentary, small lapses. A shooting, a tornado, etc. Nothing was ever considered for long-term disasters. All of these MBAs and "leaders" and capitalists have all been caught red handed in the biggest lie: capitalism works. It only works when you can keep the majority of the working class stuck working. The second that class collapses the entire fucking thing starts going to shit and leaders start doling out taxpayer money and turning into the biggest socialists we've ever seen...because if those consumers don't spend money the oligarchs are FUCKED.

Capitalism can't be overturned, but a much broader movement towards socialism is needed. MORE focus on the worker's plights. MORE focus on public healthcare and livable wages is absolutely NECESSARY, otherwise you end up with 17 million people out of work, trillions of dollars disappearing overnight, and the decade long economic "recovery" on the chopping block. Bernie Sanders wasn't wrong, but Mark Cuban was.

Comment Re:Not surprising and likely toget worse (Score 4, Insightful) 277

The current conservative led leadership throughout many parts of the world isn't able/capable of handling these types of events. Disease doesn't fall into business models and it's really hard to justify bankrupting people to pay for their own medical care when getting the virus may literally not be their (or anyone's) fault AND a LOT of people will likely get it. And as things get worse those American hospitals who tended to only look at capitalistic "efficiency" are totally and unethically unprepared for a pandemic we knew would hit. Our healthcare workers are being forced to work without protections (it's like sending modern day soldiers to battle with no rifle, ammo, boots, or helmet into a major battle) and many of them will be at VERY high risk to get this and bring it home to their loved ones.

America is in dire straights and not only does our leadership need to guide us through this, but they need to acknowledge that we, as a nation and as a world, need to change. Capitalism has failed us in this pandemic and I shudder to think what a Libertarian circle-jerk capitalist system would have looked like (seriously dangerous price gouging no doubt). We need to have lots of little conversations now, but a much larger one about the role of Conservative economic ideology and the massive economic gap. The countries that are handling this well have socialized medicine, strong centralized government, and they provide for their people and their people do not have a "ME ME ME ME ME" attitude. The ones doing poorly have for-profit healthcare, "durr states rights" and if you're not rich you're fucked.

Comment Let's refine this a bit... (Score 1) 232

This predicts the death of the need for office-side workers. Large, expensive commercial centers full of IT staff and office staff have been shown it's not needed. But IT includes data center maintenance and management. It includes people who can manage access, ensure end users have properly configured hardware, and monitor/maintain local infrastructure. But for organizations that CAN run in the cloud, it probably significantly reduces the need of large IT staffing operations. This shouldn't surprise anyone. Automation is going to replace EVERYONE wherever possible. You, me, the accountant, the low level and mid-level managers, and so on and so forth. This is why economists and technologists have been saying for the last decade that we need to plan for a workforce that is largely unnecessary. What will be around will be mostly highly creation focused jobs (engineering, advanced/research-oriented programmers, designers, musicians, artists, etc) and service jobs (gig jobs, customer service, hospitality, etc) and leadership jobs. The problem is that those jobs are all getting automation and automated tools to help them be more productive so any current business model will want to forego hiring as many. And what new jobs will be created not be as numerous and probably be better paying until it too can be automated and so on and so forth. This is technological progress and has been for all time. The time is coming that we need to begin planning a whole new way of living.

Comment Re:LG V series ThinQ phones are excellent. (Score 1) 35

Not this dumb bullshit again. Not enough customers want them, not enough customers care about some bullshit "headphone jack" technology that is outdated and useless for the vast majority of the population. You know what IS selling like hot cakes: Airpods. The numbers don't lie. Math does not lie. Reality does not lie.

Comment Until the Republicans Quit Giving Money Away... (Score 1) 168 rich corporations, this shit will just continue. It's not even their own money, it's OUR money. Taxpayers keep subsidizing big businesses while land, property, capital, and other assets are privatized and increasingly owned by fewer and fewer people. I'm growing wary of this oligarchy of a nation the Repugs are turning us into. What was the point of the American Revolution if we're just going to unseat a King by Blood only to replace him with a King by Revenue?

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