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Comment Re:What 20 years of research on pot has taught us (Score 1) 263

the scientific journal Addiction

That's sound like an unbiased source.

Even if we take all of those adverse affects at face value, they're either statistical noise or questionable casual link. It's not like smoking tobacco where the odds of developing lung cancer go up 23 times that of non-smokers. It's also not like alcohol, where tens of thousands of people die from overdose alone each year.

Comment Re:Not Just Mars One (Score 3, Interesting) 269

The only assumption is that the colonization would be done with CURRENT technologies. The Mars Colonial Transporter, algae or bacteria as primary food source: these are still all on the drawing board, at best. Even the Falcon Heavy is a still in development.

The big problem is all the rocket jocks think that getting to Mars is hard part and they have the idea that since biology and ecology are "soft" sciences that those are just details that will work themselves out. Until someone starts a long term self-sufficient colony on someplace like Antarctica, its really hard to take an Mars colonization plan seriously.

Comment Re:Good luck with that. (Score 1) 652

Why exactly do you think germans or frensh or british or italian or spanish or norwegian or finnish or swedish or ... insert random country ... have a lower standard of living than you americans have?

Because we have much bigger houses with more appliances. Your flat is less than half the size of the average American home. Based on your energy consumption, I'm guessing that your flat lacks a washing machine, dryer, dishwasher or air conditioning. You don't have better technology, you have a lower qualify of life in a very real and measurable way.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 549

Adapting to new environments is exactly what humans are good at. From the arctic tundra to the Kalahari desert, humans were living in every environment earth has to offer long before we even got around to agriculture. If you don't think that humans can adapt to living on a post-asteroid Earth, something that a myriad of other animals actually did accomplish, then we're certainly not going to adapt to living on Mars.

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