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Comment It can be useful (Score 5, Interesting) 84

It can be useful for apps which are dropped by distributions. For example on Debian zenmap (gui version of nmap) is no more. The easiest way to get it is a flatpak.

A more important app for me was displaycal as I need a colour managed display for photo editing. It had become useless as hadn't made the transition from python2 to python3 and no longer worked. A flatpak version solved that very nicely for the period before a working version again became available in a distro repo.

I agree that it's pretty much pointless using flatpaks for apps easily available in the same versions in distro repos but for me it has been occasionally incredibly useful. It's also quite useful for trying out a different version of an app. For example maybe you run a stable distro and would prefer not to mix in testing or experimental packages.

Comment Re:What's unique about the EU... (Score 1) 18

Prime ministers in real democracies are people who have been elected by voters.

The EU parliament *cannot* propose legislation. What kind of parliament is that? You can compare it to parliaments in UK, Aus, NZ, Canada and the Congress in the US.

In the EU the government is *not* made up of people elected by the voters. They are all appointees. None have been elected. None. Often they are people who have been unambiguously *rejected* by the electorates in their own country and the EU allows them to "fail upwards". In real democracies the ministers are chosen from elected representatives. They can typically be recalled or voted out *by the electorate*.

Comment Re:What's unique about the EU... (Score 4, Insightful) 18

The EU government is not elected, it's appointed. The government is the EU Commission. The commissioners are *not* elected. It's the EU Commission which proposes legislation and makes decisions, not the elected EU Parliament. The EU Parliament is a rubber stamp and a hot air generator. It *cannot* propose legislation. This means it is not like any parliament as understood in the Anglosphere. It appears to be democratic only on casual inspection but in fact the citizens of the EU *cannot* vote in or out any member of the EU government who actually makes government policy, decisions or proposed laws. That is not democracy.

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