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Comment Re:Can't wait... (Score 1) 115

Sounds more like bad planning too me. For HDMI to be relevant at all compared to VGA we are talking about a screen that supports 1080p and probably is 30"+

Including HDMI means it will work on your TV. That's the point. Nobody should care what resolution it is as long as it's usable.

If $90 is "a lot of money" you should probably try to balance the setup a bit more, drop some resolution/inches on the display and get a more expensive computer.

Firstly, how is the $90 relevant? Secondly, you're assuming lower resolution is cheaper. This is probably not true; the cheapest option is the commodity option and right now that's HDMI 1080p.

Comment Here's a radical thought (Score 1) 507

The RIAA and friends are such a massive pain in the arse that perhaps we should just let them have SOPA and see what happens. The parts of the Internet that will break the most are exactly that parts where media are discussed and demand is generated. Let the idiots go back to physical and OTA completely, and THEN they will see what "loss of revenue" really looks like.

Comment Re:This move is lame... (Score 1) 507

Which is what we all said about GPS. And then suddenly there's Galileo, and China are launching GPS satellites too.

Point is, American politicians might think they can hold the world to ransom; these days, there will quite simply be a European Internet just as soon as SOPA and friends annoy the world enough. And then global companies with headquarters in London have an advantage over global companies with headquarters in New York. The American government will have a rapid rethink at this point.

Comment DATA (not disks, or tapes, or storage) (Score 1) 403

You need to think about what data you are protecting, why, how you RESTORE it, and whether it needs an offsite solution at all.

If you do that properly you knock a zero or two off your technical volumes, every time.

Conversely, it's seldom worth doing that at $SMALLCO because the entire enterprise fits into a Terabyte or less and storage is cheap. The danger is that throwing it onto something offsite - whether it's disk, tape, cloud, or ferromagnetic core memory - can lead to lazy thinking about what happens when you need the data in an emergency. Even if you do business by emailing spreadsheets around you might end up with inconsistencies in your backups, and if it's the payroll spreadsheet that Daphne left open overnight for a week...

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