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Comment hypocritical crap (Score 1) 832

Parents have the right to subject their children to the risks they want for the payoffs they want. If you have something difference voices trying to inform/misinform them, things like fast-food advertisements for McDonalds should be taken off the air. Who knows, maybe they want their child to be [low blow hit warning] an Autistic Sumo Wrestler?

Comment You have it backwards. (Score 2) 495

When you recieve something, you feel an obligation to try to uphold it. Obama said himself that he didn't feel like he deserved it, but that he would do his best to live up to it. In many ways, the prize in this instance was meant to serve as a preemptive, "please don't become George W. Bush." That isn't exactly the same as "getting the prize just because he isn't George W. Bush."

Maybe slashdotters are different from normal people, but what would you do if you recieved the Nobel Peace prize? Would it affect how you carry out your daily activities. Would it make you more concious of your choices?

Comment How it works today is... (Score 1) 491

When most of the populace gets themselves stuck in a sticky situation, they expect the government to bale them out eventually. It will either be in the form of a class action suite, or regulation. It's because of this only 'hippies' do old fashioned things like boycotting.

Comment Generally really like it (Score 1) 2254

I'm a sucker for minimalist design. I would just prefer a better roll-over for the links in the top menu (like underlining the text for a background change) and the static menu makes my netbook chug when scrolling. But maybe Firefox 4 will help with this. Maybe not?

Comment "Immersion" (Score 1) 204

The price of creating movies is the reason for the number of generic films and sequals. You won't get something original if you are taking a chance with that much money. Even if you get the "good" actors, cameramen and crew, you will are screwed on the other end of it.

I blame a word that people like to throw around called "Immersion." It is overrated and in many cases is used to try to gloss over the more intellectual portions of the film. This is classically called valuing SFX over story.

Comment Overstated (Score 1) 111

Maybe Microsoft IE team doesn't have the money or resources to develop their browser? After all, they don't get the google income of Firefox and they have to pay those horrible h264 fees. They must be borderlining on broke or something. The old guys were disbanded years ago to work on bigger projects and only college hang overs who beg for money from their parents get to touch the code nowadays. [end sarcasm]

I honestly would expect more from an ex-market leader in web browser development. Pure laziness on Microsoft's part.

Comment Meh (Score 4, Interesting) 267

I am slowly falling out of love with modern games. I value quietness over loud fans. I value battery power over slightly better graphics. I value gameplay over quick time events. I value playing a game over waiting for load time. I don't mind realizing that I am playing a game when I am playing a game.

I know a bunch of people grew up with these things I mentioned above and think it is normal and "the way it should be" (tm), but it just isn't my cup of tea. As with the PSP, it looks like the PSP2 will bring more of the same. There is a growing gaming culture pigionholing the definition of what a good game has to be.

Comment Re:Great! Less choice! (Score 1) 765

Pragmatism my ass. They are shipping WebM because they own it. It's a new standards war that Google wants to win. Not because it's 'free', but because it has Google's name on it. To claim this yet continue to ship proprietary flash support in the same browser just looks bad, and makes the entire premise hypocritical.

If web browsers had chosen to uniformly support Theora, I strongly think WebM would have been less likely to appear. These are just old ghosts coming back to haunt people. Your karma people. :3

Comment Fttttttp. This is born from corporatized specs (Score 1) 765

This is what people got for not supporting Theora. This is may or may not be your cup of tea, but the open web still pushes, regardless of corporate interests. Independant people will still be able to make a free web browser legally. This will either a: force the h264 codec to open up more, or b: force a more open HTML5 spec.

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