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Comment Re:I always maintained blue ray was moot (Score 2, Insightful) 685

To further your thoughts, it has been my experience that many older DVD titles, when played on a Blu-Ray player and on a large HD television, still look better than watching them on a smaller screen. And, the BluRay version of the same title might not show much if any improvement. So why start a new video collection when the old still works? This isn't like moving up from VHS to DVD format where you see (and often hear) a major difference in quality.

Comment Re:One line says it all (Score 1) 325

Totally agree. I use my iPhone for gaming, but only when I'm not at home where I have access to a gaming console (or my PC) plus a nice huge screen and sound system to accompany it. The only time I bother gaming on my phone is when I'm waiting for an appointment and don't want to read 5 year old magazines or if I'm sitting around waiting for 5 minutes.

I find it hard to believe that the gaming industry would get all shaken up over that kind of usage.

Comment Re:Geeks Care, Users Don't (Score 2, Informative) 567

I disagree with your statement that users only care if it works. At my previous employer, the users didn't mind if it worked or not, so long as it was new and shiny. One user that requested to be moved to a new (at that time) flat panel LCD (15") rather than staying with her older CRT (21"). Another user wanted to be the only user on Windows Vista so that she could claim she was the only one with the latest OS. It didn't matter to her that the software she was using to perform her job duties was using a modified DOS shell which didn't run properly on Windows Vista.

Comment Re:iNexpensive? (Score 1) 289

Whoa, timeout. You can seriously go for the weekend without charging? I'm lucky if I go the day, so I'm fairly envious at the moment. Please explain how you manage to go a couple days without charging (other than in Airplane mode!).

I don't even use the Push feature (or whatever its called to get email from my Yahoo account without connecting first).

Comment Re:missing the point (Score 1) 507

I disagree that 'competitive types' want to make the game close. I have played against too many 'competitive types' that want to win by the largest possible margin, even if that includes cheating. I have no problem losing (repetitively even) to the same person if the margin is slim and I feel like I could win if I just do that one thing.... But losing to the same person who consistently wins by a huge margin only because they are familiar with a game that I am not is a waste of my time. Would that 'competitive type' enjoy losing at a game they knew nothing about? Definitely not, and they would not be willing to play until they knew enough about the game to make it at least a 50/50 chance of winning.

Comment Re:missing the point (Score 1) 507

I agree completely with Mystery00's comment about it being a cheap way to making a game 'difficult' by forcing a player to restart huge segments at the smallest error.

That was one of my main complaints with the old Sierra games (King's Quest, etc). I cannot fathom how many times that I reached a point in one of the games and realized I would need to start over from scratch due to failing to pick up an item or not talking to the correct NPC.

I ended up deciding the only way I would ever be able to complete the game would be by picking up one of Sierra's 'help' books that required you to use the special marker to reveal the answers.

I hate Sierra and Roberta for that.

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