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Comment Re:How is asking a woman out for a date sexist? (Score 1) 1255

I suppose that is a valid question so I'll take a stab at answering.

Asking someone out on a date is not sexist if done in the correct context. What constitutes the correct context? The single biggest factor is there has to be a reasonable expectation that a date will really happen. What often happens is this:

"Oh wow, you're a girl?"


"Will you go out with me? :D"

*logs off*

The message this type of thing send out is 'I'm more interested in whats between your legs then what you may have to contribute'. I highly doubt any women are contributing to Linux in order to get asked out by random guys who may not even live on the same continent as them. When you are more interested in a persons gender then what they have to say that is sexism. I was playing an online game once when someone looked at my tag and asked "Are you a girl?" my reply was "Why would it matter?" He then goes on and on about how cool is is to meet a girl and how hes never met one that played computer games before. That kind of stuff gets old real quick.

Comment I predict.... (Score 0, Flamebait) 1255

that this 'discussion' will pretty much be the embodiment of the point Bryce was trying to make in his article. I look forward to reading page after page of how women are too sensitive, or aren't dedicated enough, or can't perform to the level of men, or can't respond to criticism, or should just hide the fact that they are women.

Comment Re:WTF (Score 1) 349

Another possibility is that people are more likely to think that a drug is effective now or think it is more effective. IE They have higher expectations for the new wonder drugs. One could control this effect by telling people they are part of a control group getting a common medication. Instead they would be given one of three: a placebo, a generic or a new drug.

Comment Re:Slashkos (Score 1) 1053

"The republicans want to empower the individual citizen and free him from the limitations of government."

I hardly see this as a goal of the Republicans. When it comes down to individual rights on what issue besides gun control do Republicans actually deliver?

Republicans like to bill themselves as a conservative party but they seem to only be socially conservative. Being financially conservative is about being financially responsible. The democrats tend to raise taxes and raise spending. The Republicans tend to lower taxes but not lower spending accordingly. Neither of these philosophies is truly conservative.

Comment Re:Stagnation? (Score 1) 177

A simple graphics update is certainly not what people want but that does not mean that the current hardware generation will last any longer then usual. While Sony and Microsoft want their current hardware to last as long as possible since they sell it at a loss, Nintendo has no such need. Sony and Microsoft liked to play off the Wii as "just an updated Gamecube" but obviously they were wrong and they are left scrambling to play catchup. If you remember E3 a few years back people were lined up around the building to get a chance to try out the Wii while the Sony booth was virtually empty. Both MS and Sony are now trying to emulate the Wii in various ways. The question is are they shooting at the right target? If Nintendo comes out with new hardware in 2-3 years will MS and Sony be caught flat footed again?

To get ahead in the console business it is not enough to simply copy the current leader. I fully expect Nintendo to continue putting pressure on Sony and MS. The question is what will people want to buy in 3 years? An add-on to their Xbox/PS or a new console from Nintendo?

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