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Comment Re:A minority view? (Score 2) 649

Yes, please share this actual scientific evidence of God's existence. I've heard so many devoutly religious people spout all sorts of complete bullshit on the topic, and not understand that if there ever had been any evidence, God's existence wouldn't be a matter of faith, but of science.... but there is none, regardless of what made up fantasy bullshit you pull out of your ass. More likely is the simple probability that you do not understand what the word "evidence" means, and you've been brainwashed by a bunch of lying sacks of crap abusing you.... keeping you stupid and delusional.

Comment Re:A minority view? (Score 3, Insightful) 649

I too am sorry for your pain. It means nothing to reality, though. Reality is reality, it doesn't care about your feelings or mine, your wishes or mine, your faith or mine.... it is reality. In reality, there is no evidence, and never has been any evidence, that God exists... none, not a single shred, ever in the history of the human species. Teaching that there is to a bunch of impressionable children, should be considered a vile form of abuse.

Comment 5G? (Score 1) 78

but one South Korean researcher predicts it could be over a thousand times faster than current 4G networks.

Maybe in every other country in the world, but here in the US the companies will buy enough politicians that they can have 5G legally defined as somewhere between 3G and where 4G is supposed to be.

Comment Re:Progenitors? (Score 1) 686

Are you intentionally trying to be an asshat?

I have not put forth a scientific hypothesis (nor did i try to), i have put forth a suggestion based on very fucking big numbers. You may feel your ego needs to be stroked because YOU personally haven't seen life elsewhere... but no one gives a fuck. It is far more likely there are an incredible vast number of other places in the universe with life than it is that we're it.

Give your fucking ego a rest.

Comment Re:Progenitors? (Score 2) 686

The old biology rule is: if you have a sample of one, you make the assumption that it is "average."

But more on point, people who suggest there's no reason to think that there isn't other places in the universe with life tend not to understand how truly fucking huge the universe is.

There are 88 objects (known) in our solar system larger than 200 miles in diameter. We know one has life, we believe 3 others have a promising chance to have life (Enceladus, Titan. Europa), as well as the possibility of subterranean life on Mars (methane venting).

So lets do some math. There's 88 objects around our star. There is an estimated 300-500 billion stars in our galaxy. There is an estimated 100-200 billion galaxies in the observable universe, however newer models project 500 billion; the estimated diameter of the observable being 93 billion light years. Various estimates of the size of the universe overall range from 250 times the size of the observable to 3x10e23 times the size.

You do the math on how many objects that are out there. Again, anyone who doesn't think the odds are there's any life out there don't understand how fucking big an "out there" it is.

Comment Re:Of course they have no concerns, they don't tes (Score 4, Informative) 132

It'd raise the price of beef 1 cent per pound to test every cow slaughtered,

Wow... you're a deluded idiot. From TFA, which you obviously did not read: A U.S.D.A. surveillance program tests brain tissue taken from about 40,000 dead cows a year for BSE.


"Commercial cattle slaughter during 2012 totaled 33.0 million head" (pg6)

At least Ihop0 wasn't a deluded enough of an idiot to confuse 40,000 to 33 million.

Also from the article: Another key part of the U.S. food safety net is to make sure that animal tissues that can carry BSE - including the brain and spinal cord - are removed from cattle before they're processed for food.

Not only are you a deluded idiot, but you're too stupid to do the barest of study:

It's easy to say there's no concerns when it can take 30yrs to manifest

Most victims die six months after initial symptoms appear, often of pneumonia due to impaired coughing reflexes. About 15% of patients survive for two or more years.[12] Some patients have been known to live 4â"5 years with mostly psychological symptoms until the disease progresses causing more physical symptoms leading to a diagnosis and inevitable death usually within the first year of diagnosis.


"The incubation period is the time it takes you to become sick after you've contracted a disease. Cold symptoms usually start a day or two after you're exposed to a cold virus, for example, whereas the time frame for CJD is considerably longer. We think that it often takes years or even decades after exposure to the infectious forms before someone with CJD develops signs and symptoms of the disease."

And once again, at least Ihop0 wasn't a deluded idiot enough not to understand that the people didn't contract the disease initially the second they started showing initial symptoms.... although the quote you have there from wikipedia basically reinforces what he said, instead of what you are trying to imply.

So, what was our point other than randomly try to bash someone by having your inability to understand the written word flair up?

Comment Re:Obama, Kerry, et al. (Score 1) 519

And more censorship by the radical conservative trolls who put ideology before anything else. My comment stands as accurate, the two thread in the chain are nothing more than ideologues who are too fucking stupid to understand what the words they're using mean, but as long as they can spout complete fucking bullshit that the conservative trolls agree with, they're defended.

This IS the problem in this country.. stupid fucking idiots, not only like Oldhack and the coward... but the wanna be censors who also don't know what words fucking mean. You wonder why people think conservatives are stupid? This is exactly why.

Comment Re:Obama, Kerry, et al. (Score 1) 519

Which simply shows you are too fucking stupid to know what a word means before using it. I suppose your one of these idiots that think these radical conservatives who denounce the US, talk secession, and want to use arms to confront the US are patriots too... instead of the seditious insurgents they actually are.

Grow a brain, then use it.

Comment Because apperantly it has to be pointed out.... (Score 1) 339

I'd argue that all this talk about traveling in underwater vessels powered by electricity, or sending men to the moon (the audacity of even suggesting such!), or traveling around the world in only 80 days (80 DAYS!!!!!! Inconceivable) as popularized by science fiction writers (that wanna-be prophet and scoundrel Verne comes to mind) should never be considered as a possible future as it's JUST SCIENCE FICTION!

That little bit of sarcasm aside, the idea of sentient machines is a lot less like mystical prophecy, and a lot more like the idea that we might send a space probe to Europa because... well.. that's just the direction things are moving.

...but, as an aside to the author, 1860 called... if you don't get that horse and buggy back to them you're going to loose your deposit.

Comment Re: Wait a sec (Score 1) 772

Some people just like to take confrontational standpoints because they find them fun.

....and some people are more versed in the history of the Christian religion, understand what the Council of Nicaea was, and are appalled that in this day in age people over the age of 5 still not only believe in fairy tales, but also try to subject society to their delusions. What you see as confrontational is really just some people concerned for these delusional peoples well being, and the fear that there's so many delusional people out there that they'll irreparably harm the entire human species..... because that's exactly what they seem bent on doing.

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