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Comment Re:And here I was, (Score 1) 116

Would a half keyboard and a trackball work? It's too bad that Matias, which owns the patent on half keyboards, prices them squarely in the insurance-driven market for assistive devices for people with disabilities, not the consumer-driven gaming market: $595? Give me a break.

the keyboard is not really the problem, pushing a button on a pad or a keyboard doesn't make that much difference, also there is the logitech g13 that cost less than 100€
when playing an fps on console the real problem is the aim stick, it's nowhere near a mouse precision, that's why there are a lot of aim aids on console games

Comment Re:Heh... (Score 1) 323

Funny... I just blacklisted Experts-Exchange on my very first search... before I read this article/summary. Apparently I'm not alone in thinking it is the main scourge of the internet. :)

actually experts-exchange is quite good, I've found solution to many problems more than once, in theory you can't see the answer without paying, but if you have a google referrer, googlebot user agent or click "cached" on google result you can see everything for free

Comment Why Harder? (Score 1) 184

I don't see why it would make anything harder for centos or oracle, I doubt they check the code of every redhat patches before applying them. Redhat sells a product so the patches must be good and if they are good for them they are fine for centos and oracle too
On the contrary it might be harder for other distro not based on rh to get a single patch out of the kernel

Comment Re:Plugin Support (Score 1) 236

Geez, I've been on the FF4 beta for like 5 months now almost. IMO it's much better and stable. Almost all of my extensions work in it too. If your extension doesn't work with 3.6, edit your install.rdf file and change the MaxVersion to 3.6 (or wildcard)

I've been using it since last march, and aside from some issue with non working extension when they did some big changes it worked fine and it's much faster than ff3

Comment Re:What idiot trusts the cloud? (Score 2) 401

like this would never happen if you run your own mailserver, I personally trust google more than myself, they have who knows how many servers just for gmail, if one goes down it's not a problem since the filesystem is distributed iirc.
Can you have the same uptime for FREE with your own server? of course not since you actually have to either buy a server and pay the electricity bill or rent a dedicated/shared server somewhere but still pay a fee
I have been using gmail for more than six years now and I had something like 1 hour of downtime a couple of years ago, and it was just the web interface since they did update apache or something like that, pop3 and imap were still working
The only thing you need to do is a daily/weekly backup just like with your own mailserver

Comment Re:It's simple (Score 0, Troll) 317

There's the problem, every Slashdotter knows this but what about everybody else? Your average consumer doesn't know/care about any of this and until they do, this whole issue is going to continue for the rest of us. As long as the majority of Sony's customers just want to play on their PS3 and believe all hackers are puppy killers Sony doesn't need to care about whether its customers are even aware of being abused.

You should stop worrying about what other people should buy. I want to be able to tinker with my stuff, so I won't buy anything Sony. But when somebody else wants to get screwed by Sony, they are within their rights. Either they will get what they want (e.g. a PS3 which just plays their games) which is fine. Or they will run into something they are not allowed to do by Sony and stop buying it as well. It's their life, their money. That's a free market for you.

finally someone with a brain here on slashdot

Comment Re:Hypocrisy (Score 1) 205

I read in the newspaper that the US will help the citicens of Iran to keep the internet running. Obama and Clinton promised that. I find that extremely hypocritic behaviour. Where was the US when Egypt's internet was shut down? Oh yeah, they liked Mubarak so they did nothing. But they don't like Ahmadinejad so now they help the Iranian people. And in the meantime Obama wants a kill switch so he can switch the internet off whenever he wants.

it's more complicated than that, the us couldn't really state which side they were because egypt owns something very important, the suez canal, so if they helped one side and the other one won it could have blocked the canal for us ships as retaliation
In Iran instead they don't have anything to lose since Ahmadinejad already hate them

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