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Comment Re:People don't like the U part (Score 1) 212

If the Wii U had a motion control system consumers considered to be an improvement over the Wii, I suspect that Wii U would be at least outselling the Wii.

The Wii already had that, and it was called the MotionPlus. It didn't work out too well because by that time most third-party developers had jumped ship. Given that, I don't think a Wii 2 would have worked out much better.

Comment Re:How 'bout some 1st and 2nd party titles? (Score 1) 212

Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga --- I really like RPGs, and there's not much to choose from for the Wii....

You enjoyed that? I've heard nothing but bad things about it.

I think the Wii has a solid selection of RPGs. This generation hasn't been too kind to the genre on home consoles in the first place. Xenoblade Chronicles makes up for it, easily.

Have you tried Arc Rise Fantasia?

How about Dragon Quest Swords? You could justify that one as a workout regimen.

Lots of people forget about Opoona. I haven't played it yet, but supposedly it's very charming.

Tried Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World? Lots of people turn up their nose at it, but I liked it a lot, especially the characters. It also helped that its narrative was far better structured than its prequel.

Not really an RPG, but try Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon. It's an accessible rogue-like that's lots of fun.

Comment Re:The move to HD hurt them (Score 2) 212

Nintendo dragged its feet in the move to HD and is paying the price.

You're not wrong, but on the other hand not moving to HD made them a fortune in the previous generation.

While the 3DS certainly won't disappear, it will be interesting to watch how well it fares among adult gamers when physical controllers become commonplace in the iPhone accessory aisle.

You're comparing different markets. Smartphones have tons of games that require no investment that can be played for a couple minutes. Portable consoles offer more elaborate games that are played during a commute, in the car, on vacation, etc. Also nice while over at family while the grown-ups are talking.

Comment Re:Somewhat scary (Score 1) 105

It's even worse than that. Basic navigation even breaks without JavaScript enabled.

Yesterday I tried visiting the websites of two electronic chain stores (owned by the same parent company) with JavaScript turned off. I couldn't get past their language selection page as the cookie that saves your selection is set by a JavaScript onclick handler!

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