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Submission + - Laws for thee but not for me.... ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: In a ruling handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court, the nation’s top court found that a police officer who mistakenly interprets a law and pulls someone over hasn’t violated their Fourth Amendment rights.

If a police officer reasonably believes something is against the law, they are justified in initiating a traffic stop, says the U.S. Supreme Court. The problem? According to North Carolina traffic law, only one tail light needs to be functional. That means the initial stop, justified on these grounds, would have been illegal — and so would the seizure of the cocaine found in Heien’s car

“The result is a system in which “ignorance of the law is no excuse” for citizens facing conviction, but police can use their own ignorance about the law to their advantage,” notes the legal brief on the case by a coalition of civil rights organizations, including American Civil Liberties Union and Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank.

Although this was a traffic stop, imagine this applied to computer search & seizure. Suddenly, you could be facing "reasonable belief" that you committed a crime.

I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that this will enable a Police State.

Comment Re:Well duh - it's always been about saving money (Score 1) 420

It has nothing to do with productivity.

I was under the impression that productivity was king at a startup.

The closest I've been to an open office was a four person cube with a round table in the center. All four were working on the same project and it was the most productive environment I've been in. If you had a question, you could roll your chair back to the table, have an impromptu meeting and get right back to work.

The only problem we had were the lookie-loos that decided they could just walk into our cube and start a conversation.

Comment Re:Google doesn't have a monopoly on ANYTHING. (Score 1) 334

Laws actually effectively dictate they have to, as they have to run the business in such a way as to try to maximise the profits of their shareholders.

Actually, no. There is no law that a corporation needs to maximize profits for their shareholders. Take Tim Cook's statements regarding Apple trying to be green when a shareholder insisted that wouldn't maximize profit.

Comment Re:Google doesn't have a monopoly on ANYTHING. (Score 1) 334

What's being "shoved down member states throats" are almost all laws that the national politicians wanted, but couldn't get through locally because of popular resistance and the media eating them alive. So they push it up to the EU, it comes back a few year later, thanks to short public memory they now claim they have no choice, it's an EU mandate, and they get the laws they wanted.

I'm confused. It seems like you're supporting his argument versus opposing it. It seems like you're saying the local politicians try something. People revolt. The locals politicians get the EU to shove it down the people's throats and all is good. Isn't the EU shoving it down the people's throats what the person was arguing?

Comment Re:No, you're not crazy (Score 1) 441

I'm still trying to figure out what my comment about Joan -- white Joan -- had anything to do with Kelly. Yes, I walked on egg shells around Kelly from then on.

If you're so ill educated as to not know what "integration" means with regards to race, and so blitheringly stupid as to not be able to Google it... you should walk on egg shells around Kathy - so as not to be a future cause of problems.

You're right. I guess I wasn't enough of a racist to look at her skin and realize I need to treat black women differently from white people. Thanks for the education.

Comment Re:No, you're not crazy (Score 1) 441

So is this how it works? I come up with an anecdote, unverifiable of course, about what a racist douchebag someone as a counter-argument?

I was responding to someone else having to walk on eggshells -- so it was still on topic.

Just because some (possibly ficticious) people are morons does not invalidate the argument.

So, someone writes a blog about some (possible ficiticious [sic]) people are morons and that's supposed to create a sound argument?

Comment Re:No, you're not crazy (Score 4, Interesting) 441

And she wonders why she feels like people walk on eggshells around her and why she feels like she makes people uncomfortable.

Our group brought a white woman (race only matters based on what comes later), let's call her Joan. Joan had a closed door office downstairs from the group. Once she joined the group, we had her move into cube-land with the rest of us.

Enter Joan's friend, let's call her Kelly. Kelly happens to be black. One day Joan, Kelly, and I were having lunch in the break room. Kelly asked Joan why she moved out of her nice, closed-door office into cube-land. Here's where I step in it. I replied "We wanted to integrate Joan into the group." Kelly goes absolutely berserk on me. "What do you mean integrate?!? I'm integrated!!"

I'm still trying to figure out what my comment about Joan -- white Joan -- had anything to do with Kelly. Yes, I walked on egg shells around Kelly from then on.

Comment Tech Up Bringing? (Score 2, Insightful) 441

I feel like I've lost my entire cultural identity in effort to be part of the culture I've spent the majority of the last decade in.

Translation: I want to impose my culture on my team mates.

Frankly, I'm tired of hearing people bitch about diversity in the tech field and then blaming employers. Out of the 200 people in my freshman CS class, two were black. By my senior year, one of them was left in the program -- and his major semester project failed all tests (the test being automated were completely color blind).

Let's ignore race for a moment. What's the percentage of people in tech who came from a single parent home? Ditto for the population at large? How many people in tech had welfare crack whores for mothers? The population at large? What's the percentage of people in tech where education was a priority for the family? The population at large?

If you want to bring race into it, turn around and ask the same questions and throw racial demographics into it. Perhaps the problem isn't with the tech companies, nor institutions of higher learning,nor primary or secondary education. Perhaps the problem lies with the family dynamics.

Comment Re:nobody was in charge (Score 1) 58

In my opinion, failed so miserably primarily because nobody at HHS was in charge of the project, ....

How many lines of legalize was the Affordable Care Act? Just translating the ACA into requirements would take longer than the time allotted to getting the web site up and working --- and then you need at least one individual who completely understands the sometimes conflicting requirements.

No. The web site was doomed before it even began.

Submission + - Detritus from cancer cells may infect healthy cells (

bmahersciwriter writes: Tiny bubbles of cell membrane — called exosomes — are shed by most cells. Long thought to be mere trash, researchers had recently noticed that they often contain short, regulatory RNA molecules, suggesting that exosomes may be one way that cells communicate with one another. Now, it appears that RNA in the exosomes shed by tumor cells can get into healthy cells and 'transform' them, putting them on the path to becoming cancerous themselves.

Submission + - WSO2 Starts War Over Who Owns API Chaining 1

Foofoobar writes: WSO2 is refusing to budge saying (in the words of the CEO): 'API Chaining is not a set of words trade marked by you. We are free to use it any way we want' after creator of API Chaining, Owen Rubel, asked them to stop promoting their work as his own. This has led to an exchange on public forums with their CTO Paul Fremantle publicly stating they will not honor the Apache License that the works is released and copyrighted under.

Comment Re:Technology might not help. (Score 1) 87

This is controversial but it should be said. but the biggest problem, religion, cant be solved with technology because religious zealots dont operate logically.

History doesn't bear this out. During the black plague in Europe, the Jews fared much better than others because of a ritual of cleanliness. Islam also has numerous cleansing/washing rituals. At best, lumping all religions together is ignorant.

Submission + - Torvalds: I Made A "Metric Sh--load" Of Mistakes With The Linux Community (

electronic convict writes: In a Q&A at LinuxCon Europe, Linux creator Linus Torvalds — no stranger to strong language and blunt opinions — acknowledged a "metric shitload" of interpersonal mistakes that unnecessarily antagonized others within the Linux community. In response to Intel's Dirk Hohndel, who asked him which decision he regretted most over the past 23 years, Torvalds replied:

From a technical standpoint, no single decision has ever been that important... The problems tend to be around alienating users or developers and I'm pretty good at that. I use strong language. But again there's not a single instance I'd like to fix. There's a metric shitload of those.

It's probably not a coincidence that Torvalds said this just a few weeks after critics like Lennart Poettering started drawing attention to the abusive nature of some commentary within the open-source community. Poettering explicitly called out Torvalds for some of his most intemperate remarks and described open source as "quite a sick place to be in." Still, Torvalds doesn't sound like he's about to start making an apology tour. "One of the reasons we have this culture of strong language, that admittedly many people find off-putting, is that when it comes to technical people with strong opinions and with a strong drive to do something technically superior, you end up having these opinions show up as sometimes pretty strong language," he said. "On the Internet, nobody can hear you being subtle."

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