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Comment Re:Steambox (Score 1) 435

I suppose you can now workaround this bug. If you launch steam in online mode while you're actually offline it asks you if you want to use the offline mode. I can't really figure how a restart after a crash could be any different.
But well, I cannot attest of this as steam has never crashed on any of my computers.

Comment Over engineering in Slashdot too (Score 1) 302

Let's stop standardizing stories to get better stories on Slashdot.
First, we'll stop using tags and titles, it's a clear case of over categorizing
Then, let's stop using english as a standard. Letters were meant to be used freely, not rigidly as used in english.
Finally, we should remove links in stories, so that people can freely search these in the web.

Comment Let java applets DIE (Score 3, Insightful) 135

Now that javascript is fast, that HTML5 is everywhere, that games can even run on Flash, please Oracle, kill the damn java browser plugin. Sure, Unity uses it. Do J2EE developpers around the world care about it? No, we do not care!
Kill the damn thing. It's slow to start and it will always be slow even with the Jigsaw vaporware. I don't wan't Java in my browser. We are in 2013, ActiveX was crap, Flash is crap, java applets were, are and will always be crap.

Disclaimer, I am a java/J2EE developper and I am totally tired of the reputation that java is getting because of this damn browser plugin.

Comment Re:Pro Exploitation CEO (Score 1) 1313

Quite amazing, 'cause where I work in France, I do around 42 hours (strict) a week, the lunch break is one hour, sure, but we get off work one hour later. In the daily work hour, we have a legal 15min break in the morning and 15 min in the afternoon. The lunch break must be at least 30 minutes, work laws say, but it's not counted as worktime.
Employers often try in France to suggest unpaid overtime, but I do only 3 hours a week as I want to keep a healthy life/personal life.
As a developper, I had positions in several industrial companies, and I have never seen those interesting stereotypes you saw. I do not say these do not exist, but just don't overgeneralize.

Comment Re:Kalman Filter (Score 1) 736

Man, you assume that if you implement that, you won't get people bitching about your inaccurate ETA. Keep dreaming. And this gaussian distribution of errors, for estimation bars? That's total bullshit. Why? Cause people will come complaining at you each single time your smartass algorithm just failed as utterly as linear prediction at predicting what will happen... the only deterministic change that this thing brings is that it will increase your product cost, even if only by a fraction and that your manager and team members will remember you created a not working solution.
People do not remember when a progress bar works properly. They only remembers the times it fails. If an installed fails predicting how much time it would take, it has always failed and people will complain and amplify they complains.I mean I can still remember my explosive laughter when a file copy progress bar just went back in time, in Windows 2000. I almost fell of my chair. It was 6 or 7 years ago.
Just leave the damn linear progress bar alone and do not put any silver bullet in it. It's simple, it's fine, it mostly works, as it already is.

Comment Re:Stupid. (Score 1) 386

Yup that how it works in my humble French town (as in most French towns and cities) and it does works. Every vote is counted twice by a two different persons, and anyone can look over the shoulder of the people counting. Anyone can participate, I did twice. And it works.
Of course, sometimes fraud does happen, but it's usually spotted quite early and the fraud scale is rather small.

Comment Monopoly muscles (Score 2, Interesting) 350

Many commenters here oversimplify the problem. Do not forget that Google is in a monopolistic position. Deindexing newspaper web pages could be considered as Google using their monopoly as an advantage.
And then, it becomes much more interesting as Europe is constantly probing many companies for such evil monopolistic behaviors. Europe could force google to index these newspapers, and France has much more legislative influence over Europe than Belgium which attempted the same kind of tax, several years ago.

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