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Comment Lame (Score 1, Interesting) 66

Haroun Tazieff did that way before. Of course, Tazieff was a world-class jock: he would climb up an erupting volcano, lower himself into the crater and fart into the lava just to see what happened. A great lover of physical activity and a competitive fellow who had engaged in sabotage tags against the Nazis (with the Nazis always being "it" because they couldn't catch him), he would take no shit from no-one and would, instead, shovel shit by the metric ton upon the wannabe shitters. Too bad he died but this kind of stuff just happens. Just remember than while Steve Irwin would poke tree branches up crocodile's butts to see what happens, Haroun Tazieff would poke a humungous Avatar tree-of-life branch up an active volcano's butt just for the lulz. And then he would pull the volcano's pants all the way to its fire-spitting head.

Comment Re:Congratulations, India ! (Score -1) 67

Fuck becoming peaceful. We won't, ever. But at least we'll get to use cool spaceguns and mobile suits and nuke places from orbit just to be sure. And we'll kill a metric fuckton of people with DEWS and peebees and wave motion guns and whatever and spread they corpsicles into the merciless vacuum of space just for the lulz. And the idea of using the blood of schmucks like you as rocket fuel turns me on. I mean, it fucking gives me a hard-on. Who cares if it doesn't burn well, nothing screams FUCKING AWESOME like a rocket engine powered by boiling human blood! BRING IT ON!

Comment Re:Trojan Horse (Score -1) 82

You are aware that electronic devices are forensically imaged (just like computers and any digital media storage) and not just hooked up like you do when you're backing up your phone, aren't you? I'd say no. You've seen too many movies and TV shows and now you think you're Neo. Reality is going to hurt when a bunch of cops will be laughing at you, just before they beat you up and shit on your face.

Comment Re: And so it begins... (Score -1, Flamebait) 252

Star Dreck was shit from the start, and Rottenberry's "vision" was at best naive claptrap and at worst unredeemable drivel. The reboot was the best thing it could ever happen to that pile of crap, except for oblivion. Bad "science" (only loserboy nerds known as "trekkie pedophile geeks" can delude themselves into believing any of that shitty technobabble can ever be related to real science), one-dimensional characters, laughable plots and a setting that could be called "moronic" at best. Come on, mankind working for nothing? "Spreading wisdom and piece through the galaxy"? If it were fan fiction it would be laughed at mercilessly. There was a good reason it was cancelled: it was shit. B5 was vastly superior to DS9 (which was a shameless ripoff) but it doesn't stand the test of time. Oh, and we cannot imagine the future better now, we'll only put in smartphones and fecesbook in because we cannot imagine what does not exist, yet. Now crawl under your bed and cry yourselves to sleep, shitheads.

Comment Re:No chance of ending anonymity (Score -1) 282

That's simply naive: the people who have the know-how to maintain anonymity are few, and once they're a small enough number, rounding them up for some legal harassment and the occasional armed break-in in the middle of the night will make them see the light. There is safety only in numbers, and the numbers are dwindling fast. You don't want to be singled out for harassment, do you? Remember: in the mind of the layman online crime == child pornography.

Comment Re:The cast (Score 0, Insightful) 90

Of course it's not believable. Geeks and nerds are usually portrayed by talented, good-looking actors who play their characters as slightly eccentric enthusiasts who happen to be socially awkward in an endearing way. Nobody pays money or wastes time to see ugly, repulsive abhumans behaving in socially unacceptable ways, stalking women, being rude and obnoxious and talking about crap nobody cares about. Perhaps the most accurate portrayal of a nerd in movies was Scott Weidemeyer from "Zero Charisma", and even there it was radically toned down. Face it, the only way to portray that subculture in media is to simply NOT portraying it at all and showing a falsified and viewer-friendly version. Your typical nerd is not the cast from "The Big Bang Theory". Your typical nerd is Elliot Rodger: a lifelong loser obsessed with niche interests and hollow pursuits, good at nothing, with at most average intelligence and yet cultivating delusions of superiority and seething with rage towards the Real, Beautiful People. Nerds are shunned and derided for good reasons.

Comment Re:Simple (Score -1) 509

Ah, typical mysoginist loserboy nerd. All budding elliot rodgers I see. Did you see yourself when you were reading his ramblings? Shunned, humiliated, unloved? A virgin all your life? You hate women because no woman in her right mind would ever fuck you. No one. You are condemned to a life of unfulfillment and loneliness. Are you planning your day of retribution, loserboy? Come on, I can feel your rage from here. You know, it's kinda fun. It's almost worth a snicker. Enraged now, loserboy? Flap your arms, weirdo, flam them like you used to do when you were hazed and bullied (rightfully so) in school while the pretty girls laughed at you. Do you remember how heartily we all laughed when you were left running the corridors bawling like a little kid in your soiled underwear. Ah, what a riot!

Comment Re:Congrats EU (Score -1) 239

Yes, of course, the EUrocrats do not want people to know too much. The new president Juncker has stated, publicly, that people should not know too much and deals should be made in secret, and the Commission must move past and push its agenda past the point of no return before the populace can understand what's going on. Van Rompuy stated that the EU policies will be fully implemented even against public opinion. In the end, Hitler has won, but this should not be surprising: europeans are nazis, by nature.

Comment Re:SciFi come to life (Score -1) 270

And how, exactly, are you going to prevail against Big Money? Just curious. Because one thing Science Fiction rarely address is how should those technological conquests be defended against people whose wealth mean absolute power. When it does, it usually involves powered armour, flamers and the occasional planet-busting weapon.

Comment Re:22 (Score 3, Insightful) 370

Most likely, if you're out of work at 30 after working 8 years in the tech industry, you've been replaced by a younger worker who's cheaper and more flexible. IT in particular has no need for talent, know-how and experience, you shovel fresh meat in at one end and shit comes out of the end. That's why computers are for chumps.

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