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Comment Re:They should add a wing (Score 2) 178

My thoughts exactly. Even helicopters and VTOL airplanes spend as little time as possible hovering or in straight vertical motion, both because of how fast it burns fuel and because most (all?) aircraft are more stable when moving horizontally.

Having a wing capable of providing enough lift for an unpowered decent and landing would also make the parachute the last resort that it should be. With the current configuration, the only solution for running out of fuel in flight is deploying the chute. While the landing may be survivable it looked likely to break a few bones.

Comment Re:not relevant if reducible to mathmatics. (Score 1) 323

What's wrong with advocating for a moderate solution where in large scale concepts and innovations like entirely new algorithms to perform tasks related to commercial grade software would be protected, but, also disallow abuse by those who would make it their entire business model to abuse the system?

Under that system Edison would have patented the idea of a light bulb, waited around for some other sucker to figure out how to actually make one, then sued for any profits a few years later.

Comment Re:I like paying taxes (Score 1) 642

Mortgage/insurance based enforcement is just one possibility. As for enforcement it depends on how you define government, for example many deeds require you to be subject to the oversight of a home owner's association. Is that a government? No, not quite, but it's close. The primary difference is that you're bound by contract (i.e. the deed) rather than by law. What kind of government enforcement, if any, is appropriate varies depending on what particular externality you're talking about.

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