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Comment Re:America leader on clean energy, not Europe (Score 1) 341

Few Canadians heat their homes with electricity since there are much cheaper options available. It may contribute to the use of energy sources (oil and natural gas, mostly) but it does not significantly contribute to the use of electrical energy. So the nuclear plants aren't directly keeping Canadians thawed out.

Comment Re:Merit (Score 1) 343

It depends, if the path to being perceived as qualified is gated by events which are more likely to happen to males then it's not hard for the top 15 people perceived as the most qualified to be male. It only takes a small bias towards seeing men as more talented at each rung of the ladder for the upper echelons to be almost completely male.

Comment Re:None whatsoever (Score 1) 343

What about the research showing that people judge the same job applicatant as less competent when they have a female or non-white sounding name? If there's a bias in the assessment of how good a speaker is, then if you come up with all white males, it seems reasonable to revisit the process used to make the selection. The number of women getting selected for orchestras rises when auditions are done blind. Obviously blind selection doesn't work for invited speakers so the only option is more conscious re-evaluation of who could have been invited.

Comment Re:Age vs experience... (Score 2) 233

From the Forbes article:

“Good engineers are never unemployed and never seeking jobs.”

Unless they're living in India and over 40...

Or by choice. In a two-weeks of vacation world, I've walked out of a crappy job and spent a few months checking things out and figuring out what I wanted to do next. I could've done it while I was still working but I had enough savings and wanted a break. Ended up making up the savings I spent in a year or so at the new job too.

Comment Re:Good! Maybe they strike the stupid laws over th (Score 1) 510

Insist that they order a car to your specs. You'll have to wait but I know people who regularly do it with Audis and VWs. I almost did for my last car but they found one 10 hours away that was almost exactly what I wanted so I opted not to wait the 6-8 weeks. At least in Canada, I haven't found a VW or Audi dealer who won't place a factory order with fewer options than anything on their lot.

Comment Is there more space? (Score 1) 457

Are there actually STEM spaces going unfilled that could be filled with lower tuition? I paid higher tuition in engineering than programs considered non-professional but there were more applicants for engineering positions than spots available. Lowering my tuition instead of raising it wouldn't have created 1 more grad from the program. Actually, the labs & class space for new engineering programs came partly out of the additional tuition. Raising tuition didn't discourage students from applying and there are if anything more applicants for newer cost-recovery programs, though that might be due to PR & flashy names.

Comment Re:The math doesn't work (Score 1) 590

People don't power sailboats with purely green energy either. It's possible though difficult to put on enough solar to not need to use the engine for power generation (navigation equipment, refrigeration, lights, etc.). You're not going to get enough power for propulsion in port or low wind. You can't coat the decks in solar panels, even if they were more rugged, since you need good traction on deck and an arch can only hold a few panels. Plus the sails cast large shadows. Wind generators don't do much below 15 knots of wind. Tow generators supposedly work well but only while you're moving and they reduce your speed. Even if you could generate enough power, you'd need a monstrous battery bank to be able to accept it. Boats may be more efficient per mile than planes but they're not totally clean.

Comment Re:Eclipse and Linux are damn expensive then (Score 1) 329

You can get an anti-glare screen on a 15" MacBook Pro. My 2 year old Mac hasn't slowed down though I did drop extra RAM in for running Photoshop and Adobe Flash Builder (which took all of 10 minutes, mostly to get the little screws out). My previous windows machine at 2 years old was nearly unusable. If you want to upgrade batteries, RAM, HDs, just buy a non-retina MacBook. If you want a retina screen, there are sacrifices to be made with current technology but Mac is your only option.

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