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Submission + - Samsung wants to see iPhone 5 and iPad 3 (tekgoblin.com) 1

tekgoblin writes: "The suit against Samsung that Apple had filed back in April has been full of surprises recently and Apple even asked to see all of Samsung’s future devices. Now in a recent turn of events, Samsung is now requesting to view Apple’s upcoming devices such as the iPad 3 and iPhone 5."

Comment Re:Just for viewing? (Score 1) 437

me too but what will you/I play 'call of duty' on then? I'm not buying an xbox.

As far as COD, they're all available on PC except 3. On a side note, I'm not a console gamer, but was seriously considering buying a PS3 after spending xmas visiting family and watching Netflix and BD on one. This will not be happening now. I wouldn't care if Sony came up with the ultimate dick sucking machine and had an exclusive patent on all the pussy on the planet. They have PERMANENTLY lost my business.

. . .demanding that a federal judge order Google to surrender the IP addresses and other identifying information (PDF) of those who have viewed or commented about the jailbreak video on a private YouTube page.

Way to go, Sony! If the rootkit fiasco didn't already push you over the top, you have now become the most heinous tech company on the planet.

Submission + - PS3 Firmware 3.56 Keys Found (ps3news.com)

Hamoohead writes: It looks like the cat-and-mouse game is on. Hours after Sony pushed the firmware v3.56 security update meant to thwart Geohot's release of the PS3 decryption keys, the PS3 dev community has discovered the new keys used to sign the new firmware.

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