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Comment Re:Dear Canada.... (Score 2) 529

I don't think this was a rare incident by an insane person. There have been shootings at at least three different locations in Ottawa and there apparently are multiple shooters. This is a planned terrorist attack.

I live in Ottawa and I'm aware of the security of Parliament Hill. The security there was completely inadequate to deal with this kind of threat; it really needs to be increased.

Comment Geometry-based layout (Score 2) 180

The wonderful Tcl/Tk toolkit solved the layout problem in the 1990's with its excellent constraint-based geometry managers: The grid engine, the packer and the placer. I'm sure it would have been possible to express each of those layout engine's rules in something analogous to CSS.

That would have made page layout so simple it'd almost be fun.

Comment Some things are beyond the pale (Score 2) 993

I am not a big fan of systemd and I find Poettering pretty abrasive. But if what he wrote is correct: Recently, people started collecting Bitcoins to hire a hitman for me (this really happened!). Just the other day, some idiot posted a "song" on youtube, a creepy work, filled with expletives about me and suggestions of violence. then that's beyond the pale. IMO, threats of death and violence should be reported to the authorities and the culprits, if found, should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

The Open Source development community is not a friendly place. You do need a thick skin. But threats of violence or death go way beyond just "unfriendly".

Comment Suspicious screenshot (Score 3, Insightful) 236

The screenshot in that article shows the shell prompt as "root@debian". But in reality, most Debian systems use "/bin/dash" as the default system shell instead of /bin/bash, which means most Debian systems are extremely hard to compromise; a CGI or system() call would have to go out of its way to invoke bash instead of dash.

Comment Re:Funny how this works ... (Score 4, Insightful) 184

We as Canadians have a different approach to government and how we want to build our society.

Yes, but not all Canadians buy into the CRTC's approach. I am absolutely opposed to all the CanCon and related regulations imposed by the CRTC. I'm completely fine with the federal and provincial governments subsidizing broadcasters and the arts in general (TVO is a great example of this done well), but I'm utterly opposed to their regulating what private broadcasters have to show.

we're not too fond of an American company trying to wreck the system of local content production.

Speak for yourself. I'm fine with anyone wrecking the Canadian content production system. 90% of content producers will go under because they produce content no-one cares about. The 10% that survive will do so because they produce really good content and are competitive. Ultimately, it will lead to a healthier content-production industry that's not dependent on protectionist measures for its survival. Maybe we'll even be able to open up an export market for Canadian content.

Comment Re:Not a boycott but a confirmation (Score 5, Insightful) 469

systemd does have some very good ideas when it comes to the init system. Socket-based activation and process supervision are Very Good Things.

But when the systemd developers started trying to embrace, extend and extinguish other things like syslog, core dumps, etc. then systemd jumped the shark.

Comment Re:CRTC needs to be reined in (Score 1) 324

Killing a non-competitive industry causes short-term pain. But in the long-term, a more competitive and stronger industry will emerge.

Just as the US and Canada should never have rescued the auto-makers when they imploded, there's no way a government should use taxes or protectionist laws to protect non-competitive industries.

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