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Comment Re:Uh (Score 1) 324

Actually, this federal government is more likely than the Liberals and way more likely than the NDP to restrain the CRTC. So if you are not happy with the CRTC, giving Harper the boot is not going to help. (Not that I'm a Harper fan, particularly, but on this issue his party is probably closer to the consumers' position than the other parties.)

Comment Re:Fuck Canadian content welfare system (Score 2) 324

If you want Canadians to watch Canadian content, then... make content that Canadians want to watch. It's that simple.

I watch a few excellent Canadian shows (for example, TV Ontario's The Agenda). But most TV shows produced in Canada are crap. They're no better than the cheap American shlock.

Comment CRTC needs to be reined in (Score 1) 324

The CRTC is nuts. The only things the CRTC should regulate are telecommunication tariffs, bandwidth allocation, telemarketing abuse and wireless interference. Trying to "protect" Canadian content is ridiculous in 2014. Either our Canadian content is good and will find a Canadian and international audience, or it's crap and the content producers will deservedly go out of business.

There's no place any more for cultural protectionism.

Comment Maxing out the universe... (Score 1) 129

The universe is plenty big enough. 2^64 is about 1.8x10^19 and there are around 10^59 atoms in just one average-sized star. That leaves 5.5x10^39 atoms per bit. That's a lot of atoms; a lot more than a trillion kilograms, in fact.

The universe is really, really big..

Comment Re:The Nanny State Strikes again! (Score 1) 364

Cell phone use (talking and texting) has skyrocketed over the last decade. The accident rates have not risen in correlation with it.

Wrong. Accidents caused by distracted driving have increased dramatically. For example, see here:

"In 2013, distracted driving fatalities surpassed both impaired and speed related fatalities in fatal motor vehicle collisions investigated by the OPP. A total of 78 persons died in distracted driving related collisions compared to 57 impaired driving deaths and 44 speed related deaths last year.

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