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Comment Re:The real question is (Score 2, Insightful) 311

And it's Apple's fault that this route is open to drivers? Apple's data comes from third parties - a lot of it is aggregated by the likes of TomTom etc, from local authorities. Remember the bullshit about people getting lost in Victoria (australia) looking for a town called Mildura? The local mapping data had two locations for Mildura - one in the middle of a forrest, one where the town is. Any idiot that follows a navigation app's directions off a highway onto either a dirt track through a forrest or onto a fucking runway, deserves it. They are assistants, not foolproof deities.

Comment Re:ho snap htc bought the wrong warchest (Score 1, Troll) 81

Yes, because apple believes HTC is infringing on their patents. So because a company has been doing something longer, it's impossible that they could copy a new competitor's product(s) ? I just looked at images of that LG phone, and I think anyone who claims it's a copy is stretching things a bit. People complain that Apple's lawsuit over the Samsung tablet is crap, and those two devices are much closer in design than the iPhone and this clunker.

Comment Re:Priorities (Score 1) 535

It costs both Microsoft and Apple more to USE the H.264 patents than they get back from owning some of them - neither is doing this for financial reasons, apart from perhaps, wanting to sell devices that work with the video form every man and his dog is creating and consuming.

Comment Re:Pretty soon... (Score 2, Insightful) 765

If you just want to play the video back (as opposed to those who insist they have to use their own very specific player) , and you're relying on the Browser's native controls, a decent browser will have a full screen option.

if that isn't the case maybe you should blame your browser maker, or get a better browser.

Comment Re:linkbait (Score 1) 98

Most of the fragmentation people talk about is because there are older Androids. Iphone has fragmentation to if you consider people that are still on iOs 3.

I would argue that Android fragmentation is caused by OEMs releasing handsets that are running old versions, with zero upgrade path.

Apple don't sell hardware that's running an older version of iOS with no upgrade path.

Comment Re:Is it just me... (Score 1) 182

Bingo. Just as I said--a middleman between me and my data. Pay up or you lose access to whatever is stored. Sure, I could have a hard-copy(?) back-up on a drive just in case they do something like this, but what in the hell is the point of using them in the first place?

Monthly fees for a backup? Why not just purchase one-time-fee-and-you-own-the-fucking-thing hard drives? Long-term contracts? Didn't you people learn anything from the mobile providers?

You seem to be talking purely about storage (iDisk) here so I'll ignore the other parts of MobileMe

iDisk provides for a couple of scenarios for online file storage

  • off-site backup (yes, a local backup only costs you the initial purchase price of hardware+power, but it's also in the same physical building as your primary storage location - this makes it vulnerable to fire, flood, earthquake, lightning strike/surge, theft, etc.
  • access to a document at "any" computer - OS X includes an automatic mirroring system to keep a cached copy of the iDisk locally, Windows/Linux users can access it via WebDAV and there is also a web UI.
  • sharing a document with others, either secured or free-for-all

Now it is true that if you don't continue to pay the yearly fee, your iDisk will be deleted when the account expires (from memory they give you a little bit of "oops" time after the account expires), however it's not like they are going to suddenly say "hey if you want to access that data, cough up an extra $500.".
If you don't want to renew the account, you just need to remember to copy any files stored only on iDisk back to your computer before the account expires. You can think of it like renting a house - if you don't want to live there any more, just remember to get your shit out before you leave.

Monthly fees? No. A yearly fee that has fairly generous limits - $99/year for 20GB of storage, with 200GB/month transfer allowance.

Long term contract? No. You pay the yearly fee. If you don't want to use it any more, you don't renew the account.

Comment Re:Is it just me... (Score 1) 182

See my point? Why would the industry suddenly decide they would provide the infrastructure for data storage, at great cost to themselves?

Well we already know what the likes of Google get out of it - more information about you, so they can target ads at you better. You ask what Apple gets out of it? $USD99/year This is exactly why I'm happy to pay apple for 20GB of space that I can use for email, storage, when the whole world seems to be in love with Google. What surprises me most of all is how many nerds are happy that Google reads all their email just to show them Ads.

Comment Re:OUseless without an unlimited data plan (Score 4, Insightful) 190

nobody wants to pay to download Wired magazine's 500 megabyte iPad edition (which is what happens when you cancel flash support and leave everyone scrambling).

Two things...

  1. Apple never indicated that Flash would be supported on it's iPhoneOS devices, so how can they cancel support for something they never supported?
  2. How is it Apples fault that Adobes "solution" for a lack of flash, is to bundle a heap of IMAGESinto an App?

Comment Re:Yeah (Score 1, Insightful) 348

It's not that it's problematic. It's that I want to be certain that when I check in changes to the tree, they're not going to break my server when the update goes live.

This is what testing environments are for. Your dev workstation is not a testing environment. I do web dev and I've developed sites/web apps to run on Windows, Linux, BSD, and even god-damn Netware (not OES - Netware 5!) servers, and I can't remember ever having an issue with case-sensitivity. I think you're making a problem where one doesn't exist.

Comment Re:Waste of time (Score 4, Insightful) 495

Want Flash on your phone? Don't buy an iPhone.

I'm pretty sure you meant to say:

Want flash on your phone? Too bad because there isn't a full version of flash for ANY mobile platform, and the version that will finally make it, will only be available to a fraction of the users/devices of a single mobile platform at launch, and there is no timeline for when it will reach any other platforms.

Comment Re:As much as I hate to give Microsoft praise... (Score 1) 349

A secondary reboot seems like a small price to pay. It's not like you don't need to do this on windows - and if as suggested it's automated deployment, what does it matter if the machines reboot an extra time? Being Linux I'd imagine you still need less reboots than when deploying a Windows Image - you need to reboot after image (first boot), then after it's installed drivers (second boot) then quite possibly after network software installs, whereas I seem to remember that hardly any User Apps on Linux require a reboot.

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