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Comment Re:Dunno, might help but not solve problem (Score 1) 202

Even if people just walked around with the most current and popular content being automatically synced across portable devices it could be the endgame for content providers.

And, one might argue, an endgame for content, too. The counter-argument to which is usually something along the lines of smaller, independent content creators rising up to fill the void. Just remember, those guys aren't always what's "most current and popular..."

Comment Re:I would be more worried... (Score 2, Informative) 277

That takes a spectacular level of incompetence.

Interesetingly, this is also another typical anti-LE karma-grabbing post.

You weren't there. The only information you have is what was in the article, which states that contact was made at several homes in an attempt to locate the phone. You have no clue as to the contents of those contacts or any way of accurately quantifying the competence of the officers involved.

Now, 10 cops for a missing cell phone... you could call that obnoxious -- at the very least! Competence is not an issue here, though.

Comment Re:On the upside though (Score 2) 257

Not sure if my sarcasm detector is broken, but when you go popping a bunch of holes in your body, pay close attention to your marrow's inability to manufacture enough new blood to keep up with gravity's demand of placing your blood all over the floor.

I think my sarcasm detector is busted, though I'm gonna post the above anyway since I put a fair amount of thought into it...

Comment Re:I knew freedom had a price.... (Score 3, Insightful) 527

They don't tell you what the qualifications are.

Just a guess, but they're probably not entirely different than the requirements for a TWIC Card, also issued by the TSA to gain access to secure areas such as maritime ports, refineries, and other "sensitive" locations.

I do have a TWIC card. It's always interesting (scary?) when I present the federal credential to a TSA agent at an airport. Although the TWIC card provides no access to airport facilities, it is a valid form of government ID issued by the TSA, Most agents are familiar with it, but one agent, after checking my boarding pass and waving me on asked me "what is this TWIC thing, anyway?"

Security theater!

Comment Re:Hazard (Score 2) 879

That's interesting. My OCD requires that I locate the phrase "orders of magnitude" in each thread.

A car analogy is orders of magnitude better than any other kind of analogy. By and large, I don't think the phrase means what people think it means (there's another one).

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