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Comment Re:you didn't counter GP's criticism (Score 1) 487

I don't really think of the discussion in terms of winning anything. I merely want to counter assertions about me or what I was intending.
We can both agree that fanboi culture is useless and irritating.
We probably both agree that in some measure trolling is annoying.

Fanboi's and Trolls are a small and persistent part of any online forums both now and on into the future.
I'm not as indignant about "hype" in the same way you seem to be. You seem to be thinking of hype as a primary mechanism for fanboi's of all flavors to push forward their ideas. I suppose this could be true hype is a bad thing, but I look at it in terms of everything I read. I can take it or leave it.
The only thing though that I find tiresome is the Fanboi tendency to constantly bring up the same points over and over again in every thread. Each side bashes the other in a tiresome and non-sensical way, but more or less the same all of the time. None of any side is interested in looking at what is or isn't factual and none seems swayed that there are benefits to every platform and it is ok for people to chose them without being accused of being dim-witted.

Comment Re:you didn't counter GP's criticism (Score 1) 487

Not excoriating my existence.
Fair enough you didn't excoriate my existence just berated a simple informational point as something it wasn't nor intended to be and equated me with something you and I both find distasteful (fanbois) but labeled my information as fanboi hooha.

You say the full article seemed like an ad, I didn't read the article. I was only commenting on what I thought the other poster was saying. Perhaps you took my commentary to be Linux Fanboi-ism it wasn't.

Anyhow. what I interpreted the OP to be saying was all he thought was needed was an open platform.
I just pointed him to an upcoming possibility.
Bingo is just something people say as an exclamation sometimes. Kind of like ah-ha I found this. Or woot woot here you go. Bingo isn't an end all answer or anything at least not in the context I was intending. It is kind of like saying wooohooo in the sense of excitement I was intending.

What legitimate point in your view was the GP raising that I answered by the exclamation Bingo. Bingo doesn't answer anything. The words before the bingo provide some information and I was excited to share it. Quite simple really. Nothing fanboi about that in the slightest.

Comment Re:The year of the Linux Tablet (Score 1) 487

Yep.but are Apple and Blackberry really comparable?
Blackberry has no diversification.
Blackberry has not created a product which has competed with Apple or Googles Android.
The same cannot be said for Apple and Google android phones. They dominate the market Samsung and Apple at least are making hoards of cash. The rest including hoards of Android makers are scrambling for the scraps right now.

When exactly do you expect Apple to suddenly go into the red?
Blackberry is where they are no because of 6 years of decline.
Since apple is still rising when do you think they are going to top out?
Will Samsung top out or will they continue to break all records for the next 10 years or so?
Questions like this should remain for the future, but making statements as to Apple impending demise seems premature since they have not yet maxed out and not even been on a downward trend even. That is my only point.
People like to say Apple is declining, but there really isn't any financial indication this is so.

Comment Re:"soon" (Score 1) 487

What semantic gymnastics you are trying to pull off. Why are you trying to imbue what I said with something other than what I said.
You misconstrued the bit I originally posted and then tried to tie it with something I wrote in response to you.
The original post is simple and too the point. I can't be responsible for your constructing another reality about what it all meant.
That is for you to distill for yourself.

In response to the OP I posted.
"Sailfish OS based on Meego will soon be installable on Android tablets and phones. Bingo."

There is nothing about that statement which patently false, fanboish, witty, or a debate point.
There is nothing misleading or unrealistic about the statement.
There is nothing in my statement which has anything to do with what is used or works in the tech world overall.
Although Sailfish OS is a linux based distro, I wasn't touting Linux.
I was trying to find something pertinent to the OP who wanted an alternative to Android OS I assume .
The statement doesn't make the tech world look stupid.
The statement makes no mention of the value of work of tech workers or anyone else.
The statement is not hype. It is called information. People can look at it or not as they will and see if the info has relevance for what they want.

I completely disagree with your vitriolic post.
I'm not sure what the point of it is. To attack me, whom you don't know. Why would someone wish to impugn a random person presenting simple information? To what end? Or is your point to rail against mock fanboi foes?
Incoherence does not make your case very well in either case.

Do you often pick random people on the internet to jump all over with vitriolic tirades? What is your goal?
Although you say seek as you say to present a coherent point, I fear you may have missed the mark since Ad Hominem attacks on random unknown folks on the web do not bode well for the logic or strength of ones own case. Too much labeling combined with non-existence of support for what you are saying is simply silliness.

Comment Re:"soon" (Score 1) 487

I didn't intend to be witty or slam someone.
I wasn't trying to win a debate either. There wasn't an actual debate by any definition I know of.
Someone says 'we need an open platform' I say 'sailfish, bingo'

What am I a fanboi of exactly?

Your point can only be coherent if it is readily relevant to a particular point.
Your analysis of what my comment was, what my comment meant, and my personal status as some sort of fanboi are not apt.
In this case my comment is so entirely trite that there is not much grist for you to react to other than what you yourself are seeing.

In this case "bingo" just meant. You want an open platform other than android. here is an option.

Comment Re:The year of the Linux Tablet (Score 1) 487

Market share is only meaningful if 1. your product cannot be viable, begins to fade, and sales dwindle or if 2. support of your product become inadequate in the marketplace. Neither of these things is in fact happening yet with Apple. At some point as is the case with all companies, Apple will fade to glee of many, but this is not what is happening currently.

Such a failure of a company could be reflected in market share when it is paired with other factors, but Apple is not yet dwindling in the actual marketplace. Other more pertinent measures would be unit sales and profitability. Apple continues and upward trend in year-over-year profitability. Apples as of last quarter posted record sales numbers for its devices and record profits. Apple has so much in cash reserves that they Wall Street complains about that as well. And Apple seems to be expanding into new market areas where their technology and cash will make them a big player. Overall Apple seems to be suffering from being the most profitable company in monetary terms in the history of our planet and at least for now not dwindling.

Market share, at least in this case, is a bit of a deceptive red-herring. Marketshare is the one hit wonder answer that gets trotted out to demonstrate how Apple is failing each month and yet market share is changing because of the flood of cheap devices which compete for the lower end of the market. By merely saying market share proves Apple is on a downward slide people willfully remain ignorant of all the other factors which would indicate exactly the opposite is true. at least up until this last quarter.

Comment Re:Kind of Surprised at only 62% (Score 1) 487

I think that Androids will likely exceed 90% of the market because of the lower end devices and not because of the high end ones. This is simply because of basic economics. People with lesser means will want a tablet like anyone else, but if they can't afford to get a higher end device, a lower end device will serve their needs/wallet. Those lower end disposable commodity products are beginning to appear and will drive the numbers game.

A $40 price tag lowers the threshold in a way that many more devices can and will be sold. Those will become ubiquitous. Premium products will be premium products, but like watches or cars, only relatively few on the planet will have a Bugatti or "Lange and Sohne".More people will get a Kia or Timex. Same with tablets.

In the end, everyone will have a tablet but those tablets won't be higher end Apple tablets or the various higher end Android tablets.

Comment Re:Trollbait article (Score 3, Informative) 487

Our iPad gets probably 30 hours use a week by all of our family. It seems to be useful to each member of the family for different purposes.
Perhaps it is missing key features, but I don't really think we notice because we each have our own way of using it.
And when we need real computing power we just jump on the desktop machine.

We haven't really regretted having an iPad for any reason.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 487

I too think there is a market for larger tablets. Smaller and smaller no matter how great the resolution leaves my old eyes somewhat tired.
On the flip side, I could use a phone that is actually smaller than the platters they keep putting out.
I want the phone to be a phonesure it needs a few apps, but that is just to get by while on the move when I am not near some bigger screen.

The way it seems now.. phones are getting bigger, tablets smaller. Pretty soon there will just be one big phone-tablet to tote around.

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