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Comment Re:Depends .... story needs read! (Score 0, Offtopic) 291

Who Owns Evan Brown's Brain?

The legal filings of the lawsuit DSC Communications v. Evan Brown are provided on this web site.

It takes a lot of searching the records to find the abuses of the court.

One of the first abuses is recorded in the transcript of the hearing on April 30, 1997 (Motion for Protective Order pg26:16). Judge Roach's statement also clearly shows he was communicating with DSC's attorneys in violation of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedures. Judge Roach personally owned shares of stock in DSC yet he ruled on evidence and testimony while in direct violation of the Texas Constitution. Note: The Texas Court of Appeals ruled Judge Roach to be disqualified and all his orders were ruled void.

The case was assigned to Judge Henderson after the Court of Appeals issued their ruling on Judge Roach.

Judge Henderson violated the Texas Rules of Civil Procedures when issued an Agreed Scheduling Order despite my objections. The scheduling order put me to a disadvantage due to my lack of knowledge and experience with the legal system. Judge Henderson denied my April 8,2002 3rd Request for Discovery to Plaintiff and 2nd Request for Interrogatories to Plaintiff due to my misunderstanding of the scheduling order.

Judge Henderson denied my 2nd Motion for Summary Judgement in violation of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedures because DSC/Alcatel failed to file a Response to Motion for Summary Judgement. Judge Henderson granted DSC's Motion for Summary Judgement despite the presence of material fact issues. Judge Henderson issued a Final Judgement disposing of the lawsuit after granting DSC's Motion for Summary Judgement for Breach of Contract despite the fact that DSC had several other claims in their Amended Original Petition.

The Jury Fee was paid to the court for a jury trial yet there was no jury. Judge Henderson abused the Texas Rules of Civil Procedures again by personally evaluating the facts and testimony of the parties and personally ruling on the fact issues presented. As a result, an undeveloped thought in a persons mind is now qualified by the Texas courts to be an invention. As a result, if you receive compensation (pay check) all your thoughts (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) belong to your employer.

DSC Communications was a manufacturer of telecommunications equipment and there is no reference to any product sales of software reverse engineering services or product in any of their SEC filings or other company literature, yet Judge Henderson ruled that my idea was along the line of work or business.

The Texas Court of Appeals denied my appeal which was based in part on Judge Hendersons violations of the Texas Rules of Civil Procedures. The Texas State Supreme Court denied my petition for review as allowed by the Texas Legislature. Texas State Supreme Court is allowed to pick and choose what cases they wish to hear. The Texas State Supreme Court is the body that created the Texas Rules of Civil Procedures and is the body that enforces those rules.

The long and short of the seven years I spent in litigating this case is that there is no justice in Texas courts. Judge Henderson violates the rules, the Court of Appeals chooses not to rule on the lower court rules violations, and the Texas State Supreme Court chooses to turn a blind eye to the lower courts abuses.

One story I've heard over the years is that in Texas, businesses contribute substantially to the reelection campaigns of judges even though many judges run for election un-opposed.

The TV program "60 Minutes" has documented many of the problems with Texas courts and judges in the past and nothing has changed to correct the abuses.

It is my belief that justice is forsale in Texas.

Work in Texas at your own risk

If you are a creative thinker and problem solver, you are much better off working in California where you have some protection from your employer.

Comment Re:iPad and Dropbox! (Score 3, Informative) 180

iPad App's for BYOD Legal or just student uses. All of them are Apple VPP US/UK vetted, but I am not sure if my notes for the other side of the pond make sense in the context of your publication plan, left in for reference none-the-less and have sold 1,000 or more in that program, make sense for legal papers, term papers with Klammer more of an integration bridge to the Windows world.

1: Cymbol £1.49 / $1.99
-- Finally Pilcrow , Section , Trademarks ®, Superscripts and with much more easily tied with your favorite App's on the iPad (Keynote/Pages/Mail/Numbers/Notes/iDraw/iAWriter), with Unicode2Glyph conversion!


2. iAnnotate £6.99 / $9.99
Personal favorite for speed, iAnnotate PDF is the most powerful annotation application for the iPad bar none from much experience by yours truly.


3. Klammer £0.69 / $0.99
Open EML, Winmail.dat and MSG files (MSG support via in-app purchase) on iPad and view their contents and attachments. All that business communication your device did not view in the Mail application is now accessible to you with just one touch.


4. Dropbox Free plus storage
Any file you save to your Dropbox is accessible from all your computers, iPhone, iPad and even the Dropbox website! But the key is mobile tablets and across Linux to other platforms via that web interface.


Does that outline what you should have now?

Comment Novel idea, Blue Toad mea culpa for money? (Score 1) 180

Ok, say the FBI is the genuine source of the leak, hypothetically?

Political cover may be synthesized vai a paid patsy for a new business model. Claim fault, get paid while government intrusion continues more easily sub rosa.

Considering the salami slice of freedom taken way larger in the public mind set, Blue Toad steps up because they are a paid mea culpa.

Comment Travel Agents rejoice or get Android? (Score 1) 3

The nature of a combination of business intelligence and the market allowing prejudicial pricing means a new red line.

That red line is one where consumers see red. Discriminatory pricing just because you can do it, or even legally available is just going to need a counter-balance. This is the opposite of the the merito-cratic systems. Instead it is a highway robbery mentality sanctioned by the user base. Passive user base that is now.

Perhaps a system of proxy access or what-ever is going to come the forefront.

Travel agents may just come back into vogue, they can live on less than a 30% margin if they get enough volume of business.

Think about your travel agent or travel droid?


Submission + - Orbitz Showing Mac Users More Expensive Hotels ( 3

dracocat writes: Orbitz has discovered that Mac users pay up to 30% more for their hotels than those using Windows. In response it has begun to experiment with showing more expensive hotels to Mac users. The WSJ Article claims that this sort of targeting will only become more prevalent in the future.

The WSJ has confirmed through searches that the results for Mac users are many times more expensive than those shown to Windows users. Orbitz has replied that users always have the option to re-order by price if they don't like the initial order of hotels provided.

I generally am on board with using data to show more relevant results, but not sure how I feel about the supposed relevant results being more expensive. Is this inevitable or do we need some sort of screen bias protection?

Comment Shanghai Surprise? Tsunami is east Asia & US R (Score 3, Informative) 224

The Marianas Trench is just east of Shanghai along with Taiwan plus even Japan.

Pacific Rim countries are going to be continuously in the threat corridor of Tsunami risk area because of that trench and many others from Chile to the Aleutians at the northern edge near Alaska and Siberia.

Walmart actually though is the first company that such a Tsunami hit reaches the stock price. More than high technology, the trade curtailment from the one port most likely to sustain or protected is Hong Kong. But that port alone cannot handle the volume of China. Nor can we assume that it will be totally protected by such an event despite the natural level or protection being higher than most world ports.

The port of New York is also another one of concern with La Palma off the west African coast potentially creating a 30 meter wave that would inundate the United States east coast is a geologically proven.

Comment Cheap war is coming, now arrived! (Score 1) 1

The end of industrialized warfare is near.

That means military budgets worldwide are collapsible by a large percentage, near 75%.

If that proceeds rapidly enough the military industrial complex will start to fail economically. Instead a lower cost military with far fewer large scale tools becomes the new normal at a much lower cost.

Submission + - How to sell a broken Prius (

aisnota writes: "Ok, where on the Internet is best to sell a Prius for an engineer, motorhead to fix with their sweat equity or a more hardcore power train fascinated individual that wants a motor generator, the manuals and so forth of a 2002 Prius. Ok, my circumstance is that a job to lower pay scale forces me to forego this project with spouse pressures plus economics. Where do the hardcore Prius engineer types hangout that want this kind of potential at low cost? Since it is potentially runable, but the need to sell is motivated, help me find a win-win situation here.

It would really be cool if this were used to either help another Prius fan fix theirs or for a plug-in Hybrid or educational/demonstator experimental science zoned project.

It should be low enough cost for most of those into the topic to consider. Plus please make sure these are people that appreciate the electrical system as well. They should appreciate amperage and so forth."

Comment Re:We could be so lucky with foreign labs (Score 1) 4

The gist of the progression is that despite efforts of some it still happens.

So maybe a lab in Singapore runs a mini-production line for these quantum communication devices. The next thing they become direct distributors of information worldwide where any drop point exists.

The economics are what would drive this more so for expensive long haul communication end points. But if you think the technology will stop, think again.

It is going to take a dam of considerable scale to slow down this advancement. Entanglement is actually getting easier, faster and more diversely than the fabrication of silicon chips. Compare the the 1970's era of the microprocessor work to that made today, the amount of participants is at least 10 fold higher. One full order of magnitude more labs are in a position to fabricate entanglement gear, perhaps even 100 times that of the 1970's microprocessor era.

The costs of using fixed equipment versus stretching copper in the past, or fiber optics of today substituted out with quantum communication equipment end point is truly compelling.

Comment Okay Warfare is going to get cheaper! Kindler? (Score 2) 134

First of all, industrial warfare as we know it is going to start fading quickly.

You just do not need to spend lavishly if your opponent depends on computer technology to order, work-flow and conduct a military action anymore. War is going to get cheap!

So forget about so many tanks, aircraft and soldiers. All you need to do is confuse the enemy, keep their soldiers from getting paid, food, water and old style ammunition - bullets or new style ammunition - packet flow.

Overspending on Internet technology is what maybe in tens of millions of dollars compared to tens of billions in military industrial complex goods?

Leon Panetta should with his former CIA chief background be aware that the Pentagon budget is in some serious deep price decline mode like Walmart's falling ones.

Really, do you think any military or asymmetrical war from those idiotic militants in foreign lands get far if their packet flow is adulterated or commands now sent to their gear reverse the intent of the action?

But as to the statement that no one gets killed?

Bull is the word there, because war is still dirty lousy business in the body politics. Commands for centrifuges as in what it is with STUXNET can just as easily be reformulated for medical gear used for generals of an army or to cut off so much logicistical capacity of a combatant group to inflict death. It is just a matter of scale or opportunity.

Face it, if the bogey man of the day is being secretly treated for kidney ailments do you think the President of the United States is going to say hands off that medical equipment?


Submission + - Tech Scare - Quantum Depression from Quantum Communications? ( 4

aisnota writes: Recently it looks as though despite naysayers, quantum communication with electrons is more than just imminent. The economic impact of near limitless broadband has yet to be predicted in any real sense until the following scenario shaped up after a bit of musing after reading this sort of motivated engineer.

"Our dream is to make quantum mechanics fully engineerable," said William Koehl, lead author and a graduate student in the Awschalom lab. "Much like a civil engineer is able to design a bridge based on factors such as load capacity and length span, we'd like to see a day when there are quantum engineers who can design a quantum electronic device based on specifications such as degree of quantum entanglement and quality of interaction with the surrounding environment."
Quantum Communications will impact the valuation before actual conversion to the technology in a profound way ahead of actual delivery of the technology itself. The long term value of telecommunications carriers is in the highest risk category from the whiff of this hitting because of market structures.

Picture this, you hear a background discussion of prices suddenly dipping for long haul communications. The telecommunications sales people chattering away on how all of the prospects vanished seemingly, mysteriously overnight.

Instead of the grousing generally though, you see near abject fear they know something ferocious has come upon their scene, their turf.

Quantum Communications apparently in this near future vision gets sold to long haul customers so they can avoid the high costs of renewals. The technology is barely produced at scale, it is just some magic boxes replacing end point fiber gear, but wait. They are using electrons instead of photons, so the fiber is superfluous and the chip set transceivers are only located geographically as a mere convenience.

Then the economics really hit home as this play by play simulation illustrates as a series of stages:
1.) Sudden changes in sales ability of long haul optical fiber transcontinental and transoceanic varieties slow rapidly to zero.
2.) Quant traders short carriage and transport to reflect that long haul fiber goes from asset to a liability nearly instantly.
3.) Technology placement actually occurs where IRU values are now zero with the bond or debt reset to worse than junk status.
4.) Carriers panic sell remaining links at unforeseen low prices thereby crushing revenues into a near suicide frenzy of last chance business.
5.) Cable companies realize that they are also vulnerable with their telecommunications side line business and follow suit.
6.) Bankruptcies of tier 2 regional carriers and tier 1 international carriers first start as orderly liquidations because of IRU value collapse.
7.) Cell phone carriers realize their underlying infrastructure is now in jeopardy with dependance on carriers going insolvent.
8.) Major cell phone carriers get abandoned because smart phone leaders decide they must sell direct, those cell phone carriers in turn loose all high end business.
9.) Phone services become sporadic in a panic with switches, segments revert to limited government controls via FCC mandate with military provisional orders.
10.) A difficult evolution occurs because the market is less patient than ever with disruptive technology chance while bandwidth availability shoots to 10 gigabit standard.

Okay the above is still just a guess of the impact. But the premise is real as it has been for any disruptive unstoppable technology. Just as unstoppable as the invasion of the new world by gun powder toting individuals looking for conquest and gold.

With so many wins for the disruptive player, read the contrast of value we see out there. Have you seen a modem lately, analog?

Change occurs very quickly and it is important to share your thoughts of quantum communications. Some physics major or others may say it is just going to be a very long time to never. Maybe the same kinds of people with no clue about the transistor or power of miniaturization.

But can you really put much stock when they say stop, will not happen?

History repeatedly shows this is the case where technology marches forward, faster than any anticipation of pundits.

Quantum Communications is the next big throw into the ring of change.

Please post your new ideas on how this near magical, yet dramatic set of changes are possible in numbered order.

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