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Comment Re:I have tried (Score 1) 306

it's no parlour trick. For tasks like navigating down through an xml file, parsing boolean phrases like "a and (c or (d xor e)))", searching a folder system, navigating a tree, implementing Qucksort Algorithm, Towers of Hanoi, giving change with coins, etc have NO STACK OVERFLOW issues
Show me smarter ways of solving these problems.
A while loop can have a stack overflow if you forget to increment a counter. That's just bad programming - it doesn't mean a while loop is bad.

Comment Re:I have tried (Score 1) 306

In the last 16 months I ran workshops around the world for over 200 technical consultants working for IT companies. Less than 10 of them would be able to write recursive or sort functions or other problem-solving algorithms. Most of them were what I call "configurers". A massive amount of the problem-solving burden falls on me because i learnt how to program in the 1980's before the internet and code libraries appeared.

Comment Re:Soo... (Score 1) 69

You might be carrying 5 very rare genes that now have GPS coordinates of origin - this could tell you all of your origins.
And even in the very mountainous Dolomites of Northern Italy they demonstrated that Ötzi (4000+ years old) has almost the same DNA as the people living there TODAY. Some some genes can stay in the same spot for a VERY long time.

Comment Re:Stupid question from a non-astronomer (Score 5, Interesting) 142

Your question is whether Dark Matter could be real and observed MACHOs.
The other main option is that Dark Matter could be hypothetical WIMPs
Numerous experiments have ruled out MACHOS as making up the bulk of Dark Matter. The missing mass problem is not solved by MACHOs.
At the moment the WIMPS are beating the MACHOS.
See also History of the search for Dark Matter

Comment Re:And this is why.... (Score 1) 164

Facebook knows who your family is, where you work, who your kids are and all of their friends and teachers and everybody else you have known for the last 20 years, because they all gave Facebook and Whats App access to their entire address book. It simply doesn't matter what you did - each of your email addresses is a GUID point to you.

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