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Comment Re:Back to roots (Score 2) 509

That's because every time you think of "Anonymous" as a group you fail to understand it at all. If any of the same people are involved in the latest 'anonymous' adventure that were involved in the previous ops that is a coincidence of them wanting to do it again. Full cycle every. single. time.

Comment Re:Great, wearable home electroshock therapy! (Score 1) 154

I'll hazard a guess that most of what you know about ECT is from a movie.

On the off chance you have experienced it or know someone who has then you should probably have found a better doctor because the majority of cases where ECT is a treatment choice it is effective (because you don't use it as first line therapy or on a whim) and doesn't turn you into a robot. Hair loss is more common. Medications for depression/anxiety/etc have a higher chance of worse side effects but no one outside of those experiencing them really complains about it.

Comment Re:No sign of Admiral Thrawn (Score 2) 390

They have already stated a complete abandonment of the accepted post-ROTJ canon. New stories, and I would assume a completely different storyline for any of the movies to be released by Disney.

More to how Disney is 're-imaging' the EU rights as they acquired it with Lucasarts ILM, they just re-branded all of the previously accepted EU under a different banner and now are running forward like they own the place...which they do. This move is unfortunate for everyone that is familiar with the expanded universe but probably won't affect sales of tickets or merchandise in a significant enough way.

Comment Re:simple (Score 1) 113

"Most messages" yes, but it is perfectly acceptable for the people using the USPS to send mail. The effective spread is not as great for the mail system as compared to horse shoes and rubber tires. That and government-provided access. A homeless man with nothing but a forever stamp and an envelope to his name can still send a letter.

Comment Re:Half-Life 3 guranteed within 1-2 years (Score 1) 150

Good, now they can be left to make the game they want to despite all of the fanaticism and buildup that it can in no way live up to. Not saying they didn't appreciate your business in the past, but maybe waiting until there was 'no hope left' by the original fans is the only way to set the stage for a decent (and appreciated) game.

Comment Flashbang article (Score 1) 573

It's terrible that this girl may not have this app forever but that is not the point. If patents were infringed upon that is a completely separate issue. It is not as if Apple execs woke up one night and decided to go out and do evil for giggles.
We should be angry with PRC or if Speak for Yourself actually gave the finger to PRC and wrote the app aware of every infringing line of code then people should be pissed at them.

...There goes my good karma.

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