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Comment Slashdot Beta is back? (Score 1) 36

I was just pushed to Slashdot Beta. Truthfully, this is the first time I've taken a hard look at it. After some time giving it a real chance, I've decided the comment section is the most troublesome (still?) with the lack of truncated comments and abysmal contrast between the background and the separation delineations.

I thought they backed the fuck off of beta? Why is it back?

Comment Re:Have you stopped beating your wife yet? (Score 5, Informative) 101

Those who modded this poster as a troll have no clue what the poster is doing. They are pointing out that the headline of the article is a LEADING QUESTION, and pigeonholes the reader into a false scenario. The poster simply says they reject the premise that they are a cyborg at all.

The beating your wife question is a classic example of a leading question. Hopefully the post will get modded properly? I'm sorry kruach aum, there are some fools modding today.

Comment Re:No longer able to autoHide tabs. (Score 3, Insightful) 365

While I appreciate your sentiment (trying to help) and that solution might work for some, I am not about to install a plug-in to gain back functionality I had to begin with. That is asinine for a single user, not to mention a non-starter when it comes to configuring the 1,000+ machines I support.

Comment Re:Removed "Disable Javascript" check box (Score 1) 365

Who said I don't use tabs? I use tabs all the time. I just don't need a single tab telling me what site I'm on when I only have one tab open. The Location bar does a great job of that. The tab bar, when only one tab is open, is completely superfluous. It takes up tons of screen real-estate in the process.

One tab open (hidden tab bar): http://i.imgur.com/VwQK7vm.png

Multiple tabs open (visible tab bar): http://i.imgur.com/NrqP9mW.png

Comment Re:No longer able to autoHide tabs. (Score 1) 365

It caused minor issues with some new theme they are pushing out. As if I use their themes anyway. Here is what my Firefox layout looks like. http://i.imgur.com/VwQK7vm.png
Simple, clean, minimalistic. And now I have to deal with a tab bar because it messes up their pretty little theme? Fuck you Mozilla.

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Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
