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Submission + - Increasing wireless network speed by 1000%, by replacing packets with algebra (extremetech.com)

MrSeb writes: "A team of researchers from MIT, Caltech, Harvard, and other universities in Europe, have devised a way of boosting the performance of wireless networks by up to 10 times — without increasing transmission power, adding more base stations, or using more wireless spectrum. The researchers’ creation, coded TCP, is a novel way of transmitting data so that lost packets don’t result in higher latency or re-sent data. With coded TCP, blocks of packets are clumped together and then transformed into algebraic equations that describe the packets. If part of the message is lost, the receiver can solve the equation to derive the missing data. The process of solving the equations is simple and linear, meaning it doesn’t require much processing on behalf of the router/smartphone/laptop. In testing, the coded TCP resulted in some dramatic improvements. MIT found that campus WiFi (2% packet loss) jumped from 1Mbps to 16Mbps. On a fast-moving train (5% packet loss), the connection speed jumped from 0.5Mbps to 13.5Mbps. Moving forward, coded TCP is expected to have huge repercussions on the performance of LTE and WiFi networks — and the technology has already been commercially licensed to several hardware makers."

Comment Re:Samsung's relationship (Score 1) 331

We all know what is coming but it feels like the industry has been moving backwards the past few years. Features that were standard are disappearing being replaced by much more elaborate procedures in the name of idiot friendliness. The OS is being marginalised by it's shell UI. Not more computers, just appliances.

I am starting to miss Microsoft. And that is not a good thing.

Comment Re:Turning off GPS tracking will be meaningless (Score 1) 166

Unfortunately for us, and very fortunately for our tracking overlords, the user accessible battery is dangerously close to becoming a sabre toothed tiger.
I am almost certain that they will be completely extinct in phones with this chip.

Welcome to the future, where more tech that you own is used against you than is working for you.

Comment Re:For you, maybe. (Score 2) 647

Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Somehow, the last few years of this industry,
seem to me like we re taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

Never before did I have to adapt to the computer, it always adapted to my way of thinking. Lately, in order to use the new gadgets, i have to forget that multitasking even exists.

Amazing this progress is...

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