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Comment Re:Project Codename: Sieve (Score 1) 86

Indeed, the Sandbox mode in Adobe Reader X is a PITA. It plays havoc with anti-virus and i have seen workstations with no anti-virus installed refuse to open .pdf docs until it is disabled.

I still leave it on by default here, but thats the first thing to check when anyone complains their pdf file wont open.

Comment Re:The thing that concerns me more than price... (Score 1) 121

Oh i noticed this on a couple of albums and wasnt sure why, thanks for mentioning that. Its definitely worth the subscription still, even with the missing content from stupid labels. If they push it much further or tried a price hike i would have to seriously think about cancelling. It has stopped me pirating for the last year or so, and i have even purchased tracks i really like because i found them on through Spotify. But its not like its hard for me to start again if they try anything.

Comment 7digital (Score 1) 160

I like a lot. They have a pretty damn good library (in the UK at least) and have had a "Digital Locker" since sometime near the end of 2010 i think. You can stream your purchases online through a decent HTML5 player, and download as many times as you like.

Also some selected albums (eg. lastest Radiohead) have FLAC downloads for a couple of quid extra. Better than those £12.99 WAV/FLAC download prices you see everywhere else. Hopefully they start encoding more FLAC.

Comment Re:Intended Reaction? (Score 1) 724

I think games are in a unique position compared to movies or music. They hold a much greater potential to engaging for long periods of time. There are full price games ive played for 80hrs and indie games half or a quater of the price ive played for the same amount of time.

Developers need to work on making it possible for players to pay for the experience after the inital purchase. Not necessarily a subscription but the oppertunity for real fans to give them more money if they want. And to lower the barrier to entry for those who are not sure if they want to make a $60 commitment.

DLC and horse armor done well. I dont think anyone has really done this yet. And remeber that more and more adults will be their target audience, with real money. Not teenagers on torrent sites.

Comment Re:Possible Future of Marketing Franchises? (Score 1) 131

It's an interesting move for sure, and may well make sense for Mechwarrior. But i think the amount of people that have bought classics like Doom or Fallout on Steam -- for example -- are enough to show publishers they can make some money off old games.

I hear Nintendo sell quite a lot of old games on the Wii Virtual Console too.

Once you release something as freeware its going to be tough selling it again, when that cult following finally builds up.

Comment Streetview, uhh... (Score 1) 96

What's even more strange, is that Google sent their Street View truck out there. They must have gone though during the meteorite off season, 'cause I sure can't see anything interesting.,-101.661371&panoid=7wISFAVsiS8aFtIM6Xi6fA&cbp=12,6.42,,0,10.21&ll=37.572338,-101.766357&spn=0,359.360046&z=11

Comment Are bankers really so brain-dead? (Score 1) 134

I think we all know the answer to that.

Its all about maximum profit in the shortest amount of time. If you can make 500 million running a game into the ground the publisher doest care, they made 500 million pumping out a generic video game by riding on the success and innovation of someone else. Its pure profit. Sure you need something new to run into the ground after 3-5 years, but by that time all the execs got their bonuses and everyone* is happy.

*everyone making money

Comment Good luck to all those showing Activision the.. (Score 2, Informative) 134


I was beginning to think that the IW owners and developers had sold out completely, and if MW2 was any sign of things to come in the COD franchise, it would be hard to argue otherwise.
But at least this shows that some of them aren't willing to be completely screwed over, and restores some of my faith in the core IW guys.

Comment Re:I agree with TheRealMindChild (Score 1) 376

Yup +1 for pfSense it really is great. Run it on an embedded ALIX board like this and for £100 (plus ~30 for compact flash and enclosure) you have firewall/router that would cost... well far more than £100 from Cisco or any other name-brand lock-in. I'm pretty sure an embedded chipset like the ALIX (500mhz AMD Geode) will do 100mbit full duplex without problems.

Comment Re:Very timely... (Score 1) 783

That sounds awesome, i did something similar a little while ago, quit an (IT) job i was getting bored in. I chose to leave, got a different job with less hours while i planned some time away traveling. Right now is probably not the best time to be quitting a job unless you really feel you have to. But in a situation with more opportunities, people should take the risk.

One of the reasons i quit was "computer overload", i was spending work and spare time thinking about computers; and the job i was in was pretty varied as far as IT jobs go (i wasn't in front of a terminal all day).

I'm looking for a job now, and after having had a break i actually have enthusiasm for IT work again. Hopefully i can find a place at a small business, I've never felt i would get on in a large corporation.

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