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Comment Re:Let's nuke them to be sure (Score 5, Insightful) 322

Ok, let's look at this more closely, because you bring up very good and valid points. While it's true, if you are wrongly incarcerated you won't be happy about it, however, there are things which can be done to repay you for that injustice (financial compensation, and I know it may never be enough to make up for you losing your freedom). What reparations can you make to a man who you executed? He's dead, his body will no longer function, ever, you can't give him anything to make him come back to life or to make up for killing him. I won't say that execution is just as bad as murder, because I don't think it is (though I do think it somewhat barbaric).

Comment Re: Why? (Score 2) 318

I actually did this to a priest friend of mine, I've known him since High School, and his response floored me. He informed me that because I would not listen to reason, he would no longer discuss the matter with me (yes his response to me saying gravity is a theory just like evolution was I would not listen to reason).

Comment Re:ah the anti-NSF crowd again (Score 3, Insightful) 307

Not to burst your bubble regarding places with strict anti gun laws but they don't all have higher crime rates (for violent crimes anyway). Mexico has massive violent crime issues and strict gun control, whereas England has strict gun laws and they have a much lower rate of violent crime. Of interesting note, in Switzerland, where there isn't gun registration, they have a very low rate of violent crime overall. Seems to me that the violence has a lot more to do with other factors than just the legality of firearms. Source:

Comment Re:Defense Contractors (Score 5, Informative) 545

I'm going to blow a mod point and say those little white boxes are transmitters for a system of automatic weigh station check-ins and communicating with the driver whether or not he has to pull in to get weighed or if he gets to pass that station.

Comment Re:Well I say (Score 1) 1069

As a Unitarian Universalist, I can assure you that several in our congregation consider themselves Christian. We accept and follow the teachings of a man (or maybe collection of teachings from several) as wise and just. Feed the poor, care for the sick, love your neighbor, etc. I have always read being "Christian" as attempting to live a life as close to Jesus's as possible. Also, many (in fact like 99%) of those in my congregation are deeply spiritual. I think the confusion is that in our philosophies, the path to spiritual enlightenment is more a field, with many ways across, and we come together to share our stories, and our viewpoints. I can see how you'd be confused though, as we don't pray to Jesus (or any idol really), don't accept the Trinity as true (but hell, neither did a great many early Christians, the Gnostics come to mind), and you've probably been brought up to believe that if you don't think that Jesus was God, born of a Jewish mother (who was a virgin), and he didn't get back up 3 days after getting stabbed by a spear and crucified, then you aren't a Christian. In my rational mind, I think the idea that people are worshiping Jesus as a God would probably make him start knocking over collection plates at Church on Sundays. So maybe, to some of us, YOU aren't the real Christian, as you have a God before Jehovah, which no Jewish man (never forget, Jesus was a Jewish man) would ever do. Just my 2 cents.

Comment Re:Meh (Score 1) 969

The reason unions here won't bring our labor rates "in line with the rest of the world" is because the manufacturers, land lords, farmers and everyone else have prices so high that an one cannot afford to live on $1 per day in the U.S. Our cost of living is higher here than there. As for Germany, well.. I hear they are chugging along quite well, actually.

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