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Comment Re:Yea (Score 2) 320

Commies, or Communists, come in many dastardly forms. They include:

1. Pinko.
2. Bolshevik.
3. Russian.
4. Chinese.
5. Cuban.
6. Canadian.
7. European.
8. Anyone of differing opinion.

God help us if anyone of the above manage to infiltrate the US and spread their Communist creed.

Comment Ah yes, Hong Kong real estate. (Score 1) 178

Ugggg... this just drives home the latest statistic that I heard. The housing prices here in Hong Kong have increased 70% in the last two years. Unfortunately these kinds of modifications and specialized furniture usually cost an arm and a leg. Well, the most economical space saving design I've done is to import a Kindle. Lord knows I can't afford the give up anymore space to books.

Comment Re:While this may be a dupe (Score 1) 178

That's typical Hong Kong. What you see on the exterior is not what you will get on the interior. A lot of the buildings are easily 40 years old but they are built of concrete and tiled exteriors. So there isn't much wear on the buildings and people will renovate the interiors to a rather impressive degree as you see in this video. There are a lot of new housing developments of course but you have to be very wealthy to afford them. If you want to see some of the actual seedy ways of living in Hong Kong, take a look at the wire cage living spaces or the Kowloon Walled City (which is gone now but there just isn't anything like it).

Comment Re:WarGames (Score 1) 1200

Wargames was probably the most accurate. They showed him doing the tedious process of wardialing. To break into the computer he had to brute force the password via social engineering (and this was shown to have taken some time in the movie so it's not like he guessed it in 15 seconds). In terms of hacking and such I'd say Wargames had it down probably the best out of most movies.


8-Year-Olds Publish Scientific Bee Study Screenshot-sm 174

flintmecha writes "A group of British schoolchildren may be the youngest scientists ever to have their work published in a peer-reviewed journal. In a new paper in Biology Letters, children from Blackawton Primary School report that buff-tailed bumblebees can learn to recognize nourishing flowers based on colors and patterns. The paper itself is well worth reading. It's written entirely in the kids' voices, complete with sound effects (part of the Methods section is subtitled, ''the puzzle'duh duh duuuhhh') and figures drawn by hand in colored pencil."

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