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Comment Re:Linking is legal (Score 2, Insightful) 406

Even if TPB isn't hosting the actual files themselves, they are still providing direct access to the files, essentially assisting many in alleged illegal activity. The fact is in many cases the files are there but one can only get to them THROUGH TPB. It's criminal assistance and questionable motive. That's what gets these guys in trouble.

Comment Re:I have an idea to avoid this kind of fiasco (Score 1) 254

Except that when you joined the Apple Developer Program in the first place you agreed to the blatant censorship and approval process in full. Do you honestly think a behemoth company like Apple could really be tricked that easily?? Even people with real legitimate reasons to sue have no chance!

Comment Re:Why, that's a nice gift horse (Score 1) 73

There are numerous countries offering the iPhone on multiple carriers, so your woefully ignorant claim of 'one company per country'' is what is 'total crap'.

And the problem isn't companies not giving Apple enough freedom. It's Apple wanting more control than other companies are willing to give - namely Verizon. Furthermore, it is the companies who are declining to work with Apple, not the other way around.

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