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Comment Re:Blu-Ray Disc Association (Score 1) 165

Launching a missile against the smartphones is a farcry from taking it to the BR plans. Sony also has patents on TV, controller, radio, microprocessor, and many more. It isn't a smart idea to make enemies across divisions because now the game division is taking heat for something the Sony Ericsson dept has an issue with? If Sony can get its act together and act as one force this could get really nasty overall for LG.

Comment Re:This has been done before, and it failed. (Score 1) 437

People are really looking at this from a very simplistic point of view. It is humerus to read some of these quotes. Chances are they aren't really convinced they can stop it, but they must at least show effort and they are going to try to set a precedent. It is doubtful that piracy can kill the console.

Comment Re:Copyright and Innovation (Score 1) 290

1. Fantaisie-Impromptu is public domain. That only happens when the IP rights expire or are forfeited. So this is a different situation.

2. The copyright protections on the IP is not to protect a trade secret, so it doesn't matter how many people know or are familiar with the game.

3. The Tetris Company was formed and the creator of the game started getting paid. They copyright protections is for the people that own the rights to the property and still actively defends and use it, to retain control so they can continue making profits. The still make tetris games. There is one even scheduled for the 3DS. So are they right in protecting their interest? Sure they are. I believe ANYONE should be entitled to the same protections whether it is an indiviual or a the company that forms thanks to an individuals work. The implication that because they become a successful business that they shouldn't be afforded the right to protect their IP has to be one of the silliest things I have read in a long time.

4. Have you seen the game people are mocking? It is like a carbon copy clone. I would understand if this was a scenario of them going after a title that only barely resembles tetris (like lumines) but no this game is a clone. Down to shape, design and function. Even the blocks are the same. How is a clone like this beneficial in anyway?

Comment Re:First handheld to be fully region locked (Score 1) 120

I am not sure why Sony is was brought into this but lets tell the truth here. Linux was NEVER officially supported by Sony. OtherOS feature was not on the box, or on any promotion/merchandising materials. No mass media market campaigns for other os, no radio, print or TV ads for OtherOS. Given the army of features that are pretty open for the PS3, it is silly and indicative of this decisive generation thanks to media and gamers in general. It was one of many unadvertised features that shipped for the PS3. I am not going to say Nintendo is anti consumer ( I don't think so myself) but to point to the removal of OtherOs as some sort of counter to what was presented above is not even on the same page.

Comment Re:Bit late now, but... (Score 1) 508

I highly doubt that removal of otherOS was the catalyst. That has just been the excuse for why it has taken so long. Truth in matter, it took blood in the water. Some sort of moderate success and boisterous claim to get the ball rolling. Its been that way for a long time. Case in point, people are trying to say that it is a myth that Sony are responding to geohot and AMOF it is geohot who responded after otherOS was removed. The truth is, he started this before otherOS was removed and before the PS3 slim was even announced. Monday, 25 January 2010 "'Open curiosity' Mr Hotz said that he had begun the hack last summer when he had spent three weeks analysing the hardware. After a long break, he spent a further two weeks cracking the console, which he described as a "very secure system". " He basically outed when he started work on this in a BBC interview. So all this stuff about otherOS being the cause is a case of people trying to rewrite history to justify their actions.

Comment Re:Other possibility (Score 1) 113

I doubt Sony will re-enable anything. Chances are they could simply pull the PS3 from market. People own the hardware but not the IP. The idea that you can assert ownership just because your allowed to use it is something that doesn't fly in many other market segments, I am not sure why people think that Software must reside in a realm of its own.

Comment Re:Sony should have lost this already. (Score 1) 205

Sony is not going after the people "installing" the hack. Just those distributing a modified version of their code. As a user you are free to hack the console, all you have to do is accept what goes along with it after you violate TOS/EULA/Warranty, which is normally a loss of service and support for the regular functions of the PS3.

Comment Re:SONY Loves Closed, Proprietary Systems (Score 1) 146

I just said it. You COULD have put betamax into betacams and they would work. For reliability purposes sony advised against this and obviously ti no longer held true after many betacam revisions. Beta and VHS were not compatable but believe it or not HD-DVD and Blu ray are. The difference is in the discs themselves . In those combo drives did you think that they had two different lasers? The smaller numerical aperature had no issues reading the HD-DVD disks. Again you say they are just "different" but I have repeatedly pointed out to you that specificaly betamax and betacam were interchangable.

Sony To Launch PS3 Video Download Service 118

An anonymous reader points out a Los Angeles Times report that Sony is planning on making movies and TV shows available for download through the PS3 "as early as this summer." Sony hopes to make use of the roughly 4 million PS3s already sold in the US to compete with similar services such as XBox Live, which began offering video downloads over a year ago. "One of the service's greatest obstacles may be Sony's own culture. Sony Chairman and Chief Executive Howard Stringer has been battling a corporate silo mentality in which divisions within his company work in isolation, undermining new initiatives. The PlayStation group in Foster City, Calif., has been notoriously aloof. Once, a former executive said, it scuttled plans for a movie subscription service for the PlayStation Portable even though Sony Pictures had supported the initiative. What is more, the company, looking to safeguard its film, television and music holdings, has been an aggressive champion of copyright protection, often, critics suggest, at the cost of technological innovation."

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