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Comment Re:Wait, what... (Score 1) 575

Well, the amount of spin and FUD being outputted here makes that understandable. You can read the full response here http://www.flickr.com/photos/playstationblog/sets/72157626521862165/ While they mention finding a file on their servers that references Anonymous and noting that the intrusion takes place around the same time. They letter enver blames Anonymous. What I find worse is the mob mentality that has gone along with this circus show. 1. People are assuming that Anonymous is a formal group and has one particular set of behavior. 2. People are assuming that "everyone" that took up the Anonymous title, are altruistic and/or have a very limited set of skills. This behavior reminds me of basic conformation bias. It is sort of how people in the US are quick to point out violent/negative behaviors done by certain people who identify themselves as muslim to paint the entire islam community despite any denouncements yet when violence/negative behaviors of that nature are done by people who claim they are christians are relatively ignored or brushed over stateside (like the murder of Dr. Tiller). No I am not a guy who "hates" any of the big three companies. I am an avid gamer who reads these sites all the time, and I can't help but notice the amount of BS people love to have aimed against sony. Sony is in the wrong for going after someone who exposed proprietary keys? Sony is at fault for being a victim of data theft? You seriously believe that keeping abreast of all activity on a network while defending against a DDoS attack is easy? Is there such thing as an unhackable network? For such a tech saavy site with supposedly mature tech minded people, the vast majority of these upmodded comments are seeming ownright immature and ill informed.
PlayStation (Games)

Submission + - How Angry Should We Be About The PSN Hack? (itworld.com)

jfruhlinger writes: "After Sony's PlayStation Network was hacked, rage started to build among the network's user base, with some eventually turning to lawsuits. But blogger Peter Smith — who's a PSN subscriber, and whose personal info was presumably exposed in the hack — wonders if the frenzy of anger is worth it, and is perhaps being egged on by media outlets eager for pageviews. At what point do we accept that a mistake has been made, that the company that made it trying to make amends, and move on?"

Comment Re:Say it aint so! (Score 1) 251

They didn't say anything different this time. Even after an audit by three separate companies they hired, they have no evidence that CC info was taken. Alot of these headlines are simply rewording it. Because they didn't say it with finality it allows the attention grabbing headlines of "may have" which in turns fuels the anti sony rhetoric that seems ever so popular this gen.

Comment Re:Hacking (Score 2) 62

Social Engineering is not a form of hacking. Hacking is not always a negative connotation but in every case it involves modifying hardware and software in ways it wasn't intended. Social Engineering existed as a term way before the term hacking and has more in common with fraud because it deals with people and not with devices and software.

Comment You do NOT own the software! (Score -1, Troll) 448

It is a very simple concept. You can do whatever you want to the hardware, the OS is licensed to gamers. Games are also licensed to gamers. This is nothing new, this has been going on for generations. Iirc there ware similar verbiage in the Eula/tos of the previous 2 consoles as well. You agreed to it either by agreeing to the Eula or by use. If you have done neither then you have less of an argument.

Just because you assume ownership of something doesn't mean that it is true. Now if you were to use that info to compeletey wipe the native OS of the machine then that would be your right. The sticky nature of the DMCA and Eula is simply the bypassing of security to do so. The act of bypassing it violates the contract and the DMCA but running another OS is not.

The truth is though, people do not want to lose the abilities given in the native OS so they pretend like they don't understand the distinction between license and owner ship and try to justify using a modified version of the native OS. If you are going to knowingly do something like hack the console (for pirating reason or for hombrew) please man up and admit what you are doing is in the green. It makes sense for Sony to do this. They are probably obligated to do this because of the way their game console generates revenue, their partners involved and the investors they have to answer to.

I just wish this woe is me, I am an innocent abused hacker/hobbiest/tinkerer act. Here is the deal if you use the software, just accept the fact that you not get to use the PSN again.If you are distributing the proprietary sony code/information (that they can identify),expect for them to come after you. it is really that simple and it is justified.

Comment Re:Blu-Ray Disc Association (Score 1) 165

Launching a missile against the smartphones is a farcry from taking it to the BR plans. Sony also has patents on TV, controller, radio, microprocessor, and many more. It isn't a smart idea to make enemies across divisions because now the game division is taking heat for something the Sony Ericsson dept has an issue with? If Sony can get its act together and act as one force this could get really nasty overall for LG.

Comment Re:This has been done before, and it failed. (Score 1) 437

People are really looking at this from a very simplistic point of view. It is humerus to read some of these quotes. Chances are they aren't really convinced they can stop it, but they must at least show effort and they are going to try to set a precedent. It is doubtful that piracy can kill the console.

Comment Re:Copyright and Innovation (Score 1) 290

1. Fantaisie-Impromptu is public domain. That only happens when the IP rights expire or are forfeited. So this is a different situation.

2. The copyright protections on the IP is not to protect a trade secret, so it doesn't matter how many people know or are familiar with the game.

3. The Tetris Company was formed and the creator of the game started getting paid. They copyright protections is for the people that own the rights to the property and still actively defends and use it, to retain control so they can continue making profits. The still make tetris games. There is one even scheduled for the 3DS. So are they right in protecting their interest? Sure they are. I believe ANYONE should be entitled to the same protections whether it is an indiviual or a the company that forms thanks to an individuals work. The implication that because they become a successful business that they shouldn't be afforded the right to protect their IP has to be one of the silliest things I have read in a long time.

4. Have you seen the game people are mocking? It is like a carbon copy clone. I would understand if this was a scenario of them going after a title that only barely resembles tetris (like lumines) but no this game is a clone. Down to shape, design and function. Even the blocks are the same. How is a clone like this beneficial in anyway?


Comment Re:First handheld to be fully region locked (Score 1) 120

I am not sure why Sony is was brought into this but lets tell the truth here. Linux was NEVER officially supported by Sony. OtherOS feature was not on the box, or on any promotion/merchandising materials. No mass media market campaigns for other os, no radio, print or TV ads for OtherOS. Given the army of features that are pretty open for the PS3, it is silly and indicative of this decisive generation thanks to media and gamers in general. It was one of many unadvertised features that shipped for the PS3. I am not going to say Nintendo is anti consumer ( I don't think so myself) but to point to the removal of OtherOs as some sort of counter to what was presented above is not even on the same page.

Comment Re:Bit late now, but... (Score 1) 508

I highly doubt that removal of otherOS was the catalyst. That has just been the excuse for why it has taken so long. Truth in matter, it took blood in the water. Some sort of moderate success and boisterous claim to get the ball rolling. Its been that way for a long time. Case in point, people are trying to say that it is a myth that Sony are responding to geohot and AMOF it is geohot who responded after otherOS was removed. The truth is, he started this before otherOS was removed and before the PS3 slim was even announced. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8478764.stm Monday, 25 January 2010 "'Open curiosity' Mr Hotz said that he had begun the hack last summer when he had spent three weeks analysing the hardware. After a long break, he spent a further two weeks cracking the console, which he described as a "very secure system". " He basically outed when he started work on this in a BBC interview. So all this stuff about otherOS being the cause is a case of people trying to rewrite history to justify their actions.

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