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Comment Re:Standard Deviation (Score 1) 199

So, I've followed the notes on MIT's courseware up to this (first formula on page 3), and it seems that my "intuitive" test formula is correct apart of the fact that I am summing SDs instead of variances, which will account for a factor \sqrt{2} at most if I am not mistaken. Is that it? Or the fact that statistical significance \neq practical significance (which I was never claiming in the first place)?

Comment Re:Standard Deviation (Score 2) 199

That is my intuition anyway: if the SD of a single IQ measurement is 15, then the SD of the measurement on the population that possess the gene is 15/sqrt(718*1/5)=1.25. The SD of the measurement on the population without the gene is 15/sqrt(718*4/5)=0.63. The SD of the difference should be 1.25+0.62=1.88. So yes, 6 points is over 3-sigma. IANAS and I could be saying complete nonsense.

Comment Re:Standard Deviation (Score 3, Informative) 199

The standard deviation is 15. Source: As for the statistical significance, not sure. IANAS, so I am not sure which formulas to best use to model it. According to TFA, their sample size is 718, of which 1/5 possess the gene, so intuitively I'd say that 6 points do seem significant.

Comment Re:Technology & Humanity (Score 1) 264

You are correct in that, once housing is for free, people will find other artificial status symbols and currency dumps. But overall people will be better off, like everyone is (on average) more comfortable now than in the middle age, thanks to sanitation, heating medicine, less manual labor, and many other scientific and technical improvements.

Impopular opinion maybe, but I think the world would be a better place with more people thinking like your friend and less like you.

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