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Comment Re:UPS (Score 2) 241

I call BS... "Dirty power" can be a serious problem for refrigerators and air conditioners containing AC motors, but is meaningless for electronics powered by a switching power supply with a 5-volt output. You can power a router with a 120-volt sine wave or a 200-volt scribble wave, and the semiconductors in the router will still see 5-volts.

Comment Re:Sigh (Score 1) 532

"... it is pretty rare to find ones driven by magnetic ballasts anymore."

Rare? Magnetic ballasts are all over the place. In my own house I count five in my kitchen and bathrooms. I'm pretty sure all the lights at my kid's daycare have magnetic ballasts. Any time you see a T12 lamp, it's a good bet the ballast is magnetic not electronic.

Submission + - TSA stops Chewbacca at aiport over light saber (cbslocal.com)

snsh writes: Transportation Security Administration agents in Denver briefly stopped “Star Wars” franchise actor Peter Mayhew recently as he was boarding a flight with a cane shaped like one of science-fiction’s most iconic weapons.

Comment Re:facebook is an american company (Score 3, Interesting) 559

The discussions over bullying puts too much focus on the bully (what makes someone a bully?) and not enough on the bullied (what makes people prone to being bullied?).

The simple truth is that if you are a kid who's sensitive, can't laugh at yourself, or are embarrassed easily, then you're definitely going to get bullied. Other kids will sense your weakness and jump on you like a pack of wolves. The best advice for bully-prone kids is not to "stand up" to bullies. If you're doing that, you've already lost. You need to accept what you are and be comfortable with it.

Comedians say it best. Fast forward to 3:10:

Dwarves speaking to bastards explain it pretty well, too.

Submission + - Police reinstated after failed drug test, arguing mixup with powdered donuts (bostonherald.com)

snsh writes: The Boston Herald reports that a Massachusetts state board has reversed the firing of six police officers whose hair tested positive in routine drug tests. The officers successfully argued that they were inadvertently exposed to cocaine from brushing what was assumed to be "confectionery powder from doughnuts" from the seat of a car, from eating a cookie kept in a pants pocket where confiscated drugs were also put, from living next door to crack smokers, and from Lidocaine administered during surgery, among other things.

Comment Wristwatches are too thick (Score 1) 322

Biggest complaint I have about modern watches is the thickness. Watches today are no thinner than watches were forty years ago. Even 6mm thick still qualifies as a thin digital watch. The reason I don't wear watches anymore is because they're so bulky.

Other complaint is that every dress watch on the market still has buttons/knobs on the side which scratch up your wrist. It should be straightforward to eliminate the crown, and set the time using an optical sensor you hold up to a computer, like the old Datalink watches from the 1990's.

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