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Comment Re:AI and robotics and jobs (Score 5, Insightful) 625

The problem right now is that the current political mantra thinks that jobs are the most important thing, and if you don't have a job you're worthless and a problem that must be taken care of. It will be a painful period for jobless and workers alike until this discrepancy between current reality and ancient politics is gone.

Comment Re:Just one question (Score 1) 333

Execution speed is not necessarily the only metric used to judge a compiler. As a developer for embedded platforms I mostly look at code size, and you could also judge it on how well it handles various CPU architecture varieties.

Then again, your argument still stands. He could've written "better". ;)

Comment Re:There are other jobs than programming (Score 2) 340

Did you read the fine article? No you didn't. This guy is not a programmer, he's not been programming since that calculator. He's an English teacher.

For those like me who did not become programmers, whose notebooks of code and illustrations sat untouched in a musty basement for the last decade, learning to program taught habits of mind that persist to this day in small yet vital ways.

His point is that iPad is a dumb device meant for passive intake of information, but many still assumes it's more advanced than the old calculators, thus a better tool for students.

Comment Re:iPad wasn't sold as a device to teach programmi (Score 2) 340

Stupid Anonymous Coward - fits in the Apple Fanboy category. Users naturally see the iPad as a computer - that's what it is, right? And it's assumed that a computer can do everything than a calculator can, making the calculator obsolete. The Fine Article points out that this is not the case, and that teachers, parents and students should think about this when deciding what to promote in the classroom.

Fact is that the iPad is a gimped consumer toy compared to a computer or calculator, great for glossy illustrations in elementary school, but when it's time to do some heavy lifting, it falls short.

Comment Re:Other private Mexican mobile phone services (Score 1) 110

Remember that the NSA is a tax-founded government agency, thus it's much more likely to assume that indeed everyone in America (I take it that you mean the United States version of America?) support what they do. At least most people voted for it, considering both parties are equally eager to keep NSA running.

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