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Comment Re:How is this new? (Score 1) 242

unless you assumed the sewage was somehow radioactive

I was going to say that even that should be removed by distillation, and the water molecules shouldn't become radioactive, but now I'm not sure. Deuterium can capture neutrons to form radioactive tritium, but Wikipedia doesn't say if regular hydrogen can do the same to form deuterium.

Comment Re:I thought they ***HATE*** the Stasi !! (Score 1) 103

We love to paint ourselves as modern and tech-savvy, but only ~10% voted for parties opposed to government spying in the last election. The others act outraged when foreign governments or Facebook spy on them but are a-ok with our own government doing it.

I can only hope this latest revelation shakes them up a bit.

Comment Re:Sometimes I wonder about half-assing it... (Score 1) 197

It's still quadrupling the information (from 32 bits to 128 bits), though most IPv6 addresses can be shortened.

But to be honest, this is what DNS is for. If you find yourself regularly having to memorize or manually type dotted quad IPv4 as a user, you're doing something wrong; and if you're a sysadmin, you're routinely memorizing (or writing down) other things that are more complex than that.

Mnemonics could also help, like assigning words to bytes.

Comment Re:Sometimes I wonder about half-assing it... (Score 1) 197

four octets to IPv4 as an "area code"

Kinda how IPv6 works; except there's only one two-octet area code (2002::, or 32.2. in dotted decimal) for the old IPv4 addresses, and all the other addresses work differently.

(Of course, if the recipient only understands IPv4, and the sender only has an IPv6 address, then the packets can only be sent one direction. I'm not sure if or how an IPv6 host and an IPv4 host can establish a TCP handshake, starting from either end.)

Comment Re:That's what happens when you cry wolf (Score 4, Interesting) 197

The problem is with people not understanding probability or what a prognosis is. It's like a pack-a-day smoker whose doctor says "you're probably going to get cancer within ten years if you keep this up". Five years pass, ten years, fifteen years... nothing; clearly the doctor is an idiot and I am an immortal cancer-immune demigod. Twenty years... boom, cancer.

"Realistic prognosis"? You can't accurately predict unexpected changes. So you err on the side of urgency, because if what you predict happens sooner than expected, that's much, much worse than if you respond sooner than you actually need to.

Instead, people first ignore the warning, then see that the bad thing didn't happen on schedule, then deciding that this invalidates the entire warning.

(See also: Climate change.)

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